Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Breaking News: Taimur Admits He's Stupid!


This was a while ago, I realize, but that doesn't change the fact that I still had a copy of the picture and, up until now, a burning desire to publicize it. Okay. Maybe "burning desire" is a misnomer. More like "lukewarm (just for you Uzi) hankering". I'm not even all that sure why... perhaps because I'm one of those people in search of the truth.

Since we're on the subject of truths, here are some:

1. Some people don't know that the letter "x", when used at the end of a word, stands for the letters "cks". For example, sucks = sux and socks = sox. I am convinced of this truth because people have written "my life suxs" or "my soxs are smelly" one too many freaking times. PEOPLE: it is extremely redundant to write "suxs". What you are really saying when you write "suxs" is "suckss". And there's really no need for that. You are making a purposeful spelling error. Furthermore, you are also indirectly telling the recipient of your message that you are a moron. If they had any inkling that you were a stupid person at any point up until the moment you sent that message, you removed all doubt. Congratulations. And please, stop proving your stupidity.

2. Everyone who is sexy knows they are sexy. I used to harbor the hope that I would one day come across someone who was amazingly attractive and brilliant, but completely unaware of their attractiveness and brilliance because there is something ADDITIONALLY sexy about that lack of smugness that most people who know they are wonderful have about themselves. Well, I'll tell you what "additional attraction factor" is: ILLUSION AT WORK. A lack of self-awareness is only apparent in children under one year of age. Once a person becomes capable of distinguishing that it is, indeed, their image looking back at them in the mirror - the shit hits the fan and everything goes out the window. If that person is attractive - they will figure it out, and despite being able hide it in a few superficial instances, eventually their knowledge of their exterior superiority will come back and bite YOU, the person getting the shitty end of the stick in every situation, in the ass. Because life's not fair. All this means is that you shouldn't delude yourself. "Leagues", (as categories based on looks are sometimes referred to) very much so do exist, and some people are just out of your "league". I hope, Freezy, that this helps explain any comments I may or may not have made yesterday about certain individuals who shall remain nameless being "out of my league". So do not snort at me young lady. There is ample psychological proof within the lines of this text. (By ample, I mean the one line referring to a psychology concept.)

3. "The situation" is still very much confused except that I am now almost sure he doesn't want to have anything to do with me in a romantic sense. (Is it just me, or am I stuck in "Variations On A Theme" mode?)

4. Orange juice is a good thing to use to clean things with. It is apparently as good an antibacterial agent as antibacterial soap. So next time you get off a filthy bus and wish to eat something - peel an orange and mush it all over your hands. Then eat whatever it was you wanted to eat initially. Unless you initially wanted to eat the orange... which I don't recommend if you've followed the steps I've outlined up until now...

5. "Whilst" is very much a word, and is still in popular use. For further information, visit THIS fun and informative website. (P.S. I lied about the fun part... but it is pretty informative...)

Stupidity Strikes Again! (Not mine, somebody else's... well, mine too... sort of....)

First off, my most heartfeltest thank you goes out to Freezy for being so totally awesome and proving it time and time again. This time - with lots of patience with me in my time of need. For all the advice you give and all the listening you do - you totally rock. Always remember that. And thanks for the song too. (She sent it! I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you!)

Second off: I have orange juice on my pants. :( Mrs. Clumsy strikes again.

Thirdly: I went through the whole day today without running into anything! That's totally a record! Well, I ran into a person, but that's not a thing - so it counts! I uh, said something stupid though. I can't remember what it was, but it was pretty dumb. And then I went on to talk about how my mouth works faster than my brain, proving that it is indeed a fact. Sometimes it'd be good if people would just put their hand over your mouth mid-sentence. Like now...

Fourthly: I just thought of this: perhaps if I write all of my stupid thoughts here, I won't have as many in actual life and then I can spare myself some embarrassment. Because, for some odd reason, people who read this tend to think I'm joking. It must be the whole anonimity thing. Or you must be misinterpreting my actual thoughts as sarcasm because... that happens on the internet. I assure you that if you actually saw me in real life, you'd realize that, sadly, I'm not joking, and this is really how I am - and you would probably pity me. And I wouldn't blame you.

Oh gosh. How could I have pushed an event as monumental as this into the depths of my subconscious? STUPID GIRL STRIKES AGAIN!

Ok. So the stupid girl that talks through all my lectures - at full volume - the whole lecture - about her weekend - and her plans for next weekend - actually brought in reinforcements today. I sat seven rows down from where they were sitting at the beginning of class - they moved so that they were sitting directly behind me. Clearly so they could ruin my day and cause me to go ballistic in the middle of class, have an outburst in the middle of my prof's sentence about Matched Pairs Designs (even though he's already covered that in 5 previous lectures) and make a complete ass of myself. Which I would have done. Because I have anger management issues. Well, me, with all my intellect and whatnot (and also probably partially due to the conversation I'd just had with Aslam about Artest and his stupid behavior - and not wanting to act like stupid Artest) amazingly enough decided that I wouldn't punch the stupid girl in the face and proceed to smack her friends' heads together, only leaving them be when their teeth had all successfully been knocked out - but that, instead, I would pick up my stuff and move to the very back of the room and sit there for the remainder of the lecture. They were pretty mad when that happened. They hadn't thought that far ahead. Haha. I found the hole in their script - and used it to my advantage. Those suckers. Now THEY know what it's like when someone doesn't follow the script...

(SIDENOTE: If worse comes to worse, Oren said he'd hold her down while I punch her out. Hahaha. Well, he actually said that he'd just hold her back. But I could use that opportunity to punch her out. And he also said that we should try to talk it out - which I think is precious. He has clearly never dealt with a bitch-girl before...)

Honestly, all this research about the frontal lobes and whatnot has led me to believe that mine are far from being fully developed because I constantly engage in impulsive behavior that could get me into trouble - like telling the girl off in the first place. I should've just sat complacently like everyone else. Then I wouldn't have stupid bitch-girl on my ass. But maybe having a bitch-girl on my ass is a good thing. I don't have an explanation as to how or why it could be a good thing yet, but I'll come up with one sooner or later. I tend to do that.

Perhaps more research on my part will lead me to a FINISHED NEUROPSYCH ESSAY THAT WAS DUE APPROXIMATELY FIVE HOURS AGO AND HASN'T EVEN BEEN STARTED YET... as well as a method to stimulate frontal lobe growth. Duty, as you can see, calls.

So, until next time...

Monday, November 29, 2004

Something Interesting


I want to dance.
Dance dance dance.
And I tried it in my room. But my drawer still won't close. I thought that if I ignored it for a few days it would just go back to being complacent. But it hasn't. All it has done is become a new depository for all of the things that can't find space on my over-crowded desk or clothing-covered floor. For example, for some odd reason, now my camera is in there. And so is my Patrick the Starfish doll. And so are my pajama bottoms and my bathing suit... Oh good god. I found cough drops and a receipt from Future Shop! $9.99 for 12 batteries? What a deal! My dad told me he'd fix it last week. This means it'll get done... uh... next year. If I'm lucky. That's the way things go in my family. I put in a request for my aunt to send me this cream stuff from Europe like... in August... when I was leaving. It is now the end of November and she still hasn't even put it in the mail. Which means that even if she's super efficient and mails it by the end of December, it still won't be here until like... February because the Serbian Postal Service Sucks. Hee hee. I like how I made the "s" in "sucks" capital. That's funny. I guess you had to be there...
Anyway, I can't dance. And it's making me so sad. But not as sad as not having that new Ciara song. Now I kinda don't like Freezy as much as I used to because she wouldn't download it for me. I WANT TO DANCE! STUPID DRAWER!

George made fun of me yesterday because I went onto this rampage trying to explain to him what a Quince was and he's worked in produce for a billion years. That really apparently cut me deep since I still remember it and it was like... 24 hours ago. So George: way to cut me deep man.

Uzi says it's Aslu's birthday today. But we don't believe him. And by "we", I mean me... mainly. Because I was convinced it was his birthday tomorrow. By Freezy and Rafey. Apparently not. Well, Happy Birthday Aslu! Whatever day it's on! (I'm a great friend...)

Oh! George just signed on! - 9:38 P.M. Let's find out what he has to say for himself!
9:41 P.M. I think he's stalling for time. He asked me "which part?" cut me deep. As if he didn't know...
9:42 P.M. He says he's passionate about produce. HaHa. How could anyone stay mad at him?
9:42 and 30 seconds P.M. He says he never made fun... Could I have just made this up in my head?
9:43 P.M. George is really great when he's not cutting you deep. I hope we can stay friends through all of this.
9:44 P.M. Uh oh, now he's getting defensive. He says I'm the one that cut HIM deep because I assumed he didn't know what a Quince was...
9:45 P.M. His responses are getting more and more delayed. I think I've caught him in his web of deceit and lies. Well deceit and lies are really like almost the same thing... but they're both really good words and I couldn't pick which one I liked better. So sue me.
9:45 and 30 seconds P.M. He says he doesn't recall calling anyone "dummy". Maybe I am just exaggerating... no! He must'n't see the fear in my eyes. Must maintain composure... stick to the script...
HaHa. This reminds me of this one time I was trying to talk to this guy, and I had this script perfectly worked out in my head... Oh wait. George is blinking...
9:47 P.M. I think he just won. I'm not sure how that happened. But I was telling a story... Anyways, so I'm talking to this guy and I have all my lines worked out and all his lines worked out and everything. And then he said something he wasn't supposed to. And it threw me completely off kilter (is that a word? And if so, is that how you spell it?) and I went completely crazy and starting not making any sense and I had to be like "Oh, I have to go now!" even though I really didn't have anywhere to go. Wow. That was a pointless story. A perfect way to end a pointless post. I shall revert you back to the starting line: THE TITLE LIES.

That is all.

Gah! Aple just told me I needed a boyfriend. I'M WORKING ON IT. For Pete's sake... you try finding yourself a boyfriend when you're so much like me...

10:08 P.M.
I lied. That wasn't all. For some odd reason people have decided to be entertaining tonight:

Mota says: rafey said he got him a snake, but he's lying
Me:hahaha that'd be a good idea
Mota says: he said a real live snake
Mota says: not just a fake one
Me: that'd be a really good idea
Me: because aslu is afraid of snakes
Mota says: then rafey said we all woudl take turns taking care of it
Mota says: since aslu won't keep it
Mota says: orrr. .lets put the snake in a cinnabon box, so when he opens to eat it. bAMMMMMMM
Mota says: he shits his pants!!

Oh Mota... what would we do without you and your beyond brilliant ideas?
Oh, and just to be fair, here is George's interpretation of last night's events:

George says: my interpretation of it was as follows
George says: you: 'this is a quince [insert picture]'
George says: me: 'yeah, i know'

I think we can all agree that my interpretation was much more exciting. In a good way. Even George agreed to that.

That is all.

10:16 P.M.

Mota says: i'm prettty sure u can edit it
Me: yeah.... but all that effort...
Mota says: no. u just click edit, and add it in there
Me: ok
Me: there
Me: done and done
Mota says: damn, aslu is gonna kill me
Me: why?
Mota says: he's very sensitive about shitting his pants

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Pamphlet... Is That How You Spell That?

Freezy and I have pooled our collective knowledge of boys to come up with a few guidelines when it comes to handling them. Beware: Sometimes they are a very volatile substance - changing minds, miscommunicating. They have weird rituals too. The advice is pretty general and broad, but that's a pre-rule: your approach should be pretty general and broad. If you're looking at the specifics and fussing over them, you're breaking some rules as you shall see.

1. Never assume anything.
Now, you'd think this one would be a given, right? I mean, if a friend didn't call you back, you wouldn't assume that they didn't like you anymore. You might think that they forgot, or that they became busy doing something else, or that (depending on how evil you are and how stringent you are about returning calls...) they were in a car accident or something. But you wouldn't automatically write them off as a friend. So don't do it to boys either. Give them a chance - a time frame - in which calling you back would be okaaaay. If it takes them 3 months to return your call, you might want to look elsewhere. But if they call you back in a couple hours or the very next day - hear them out. They might have a really good explanation.
Now, that's assuming you're assuming something bad about boys. But you shouldn't be assuming ANYTHING according to this rule - so don't go assuming anything good either. Unless a guy specifically utters the words "I like you" - don't assume they do. Remember how boys can't get hints? Like, even if you're practically falling over yourself trying to make it obvious that you like them, they just don't get it? That's because (in our opinion) boys don't do hints. Therefore, it is logical that if they can't interpret them, they don't give them out. If a guy likes you, he'll let you know. If he holds eye contact with you for longer than 20 seconds or rubs his nose whenever he's talking to you - that doesn't necessarily mean he has a crush. Maybe a staring problem and a runny nose, but not necessarily a crush. So don't assume ANYTHING. Whatsoever. Ever. Just like in a court of law, everything a boy does has to be explicit, at least verbally (I don't recommend making them sign contracts) before you can assume that they will uphold whatever it is that they just agreed to.

2. Be patient.
Sometimes boys are just as confused as we are about what they feel and what they want and what they're doing. And, as shocking as it may seem, sometimes they're just as chicken about making the moves too. So don't go running off after putting in "a whole" week. Everyone, including you, needs to feel out the situation before rushing headlong into something (unless you're on Spring Break, in which case, if you meet him and you're not making out 2 hours later - you need to move on to the next one.) Remember that movie "Fools Rush In"? Well, me neither. I don't actually think I watched it. But I think the title says it all. Shakespeare had a quote about rushing in too.. something about "those stumble that run fast". Getting to know him better might be the best thing you do for yourself - it could dispell all the girlish fantasies you have and make you realize that he's really not somebody you want to spend any significant period of time with at all. So be patient.

3. Be straight up.
Ok, this one's hard because it requires more than an adjustment on your mental thinking. It requires that you actually do something. If you've done the whole "not assuming things" bit, and you've "been patient", and seen that he's possessive with his sweaters, and likes his car a bit too much, and that his basketball schedule takes precedence over anything you want to do, and you still like him (although I can't imagine that anyone would): then you need to tell him. Now, since you're assuming that his feelings towards you are completely neutral (because you can't assume anything else either way), this can be a little tricky. But somebody's got to do it. It may as well be you.
Similarly, if you're not feeling him, but he's feeling you, TELL HIM. It'll hurt less now than 3 months down the line when he walks in on you making out with his roomate. Trust me.
If you're not planning on calling him for a week, don't tell him you'll call him tomorrow. If you're not planning on going to the monster truck ralley with him, don't tell him you'd love to. Set a good example by being straight up, and then you can expect the same of him in return. And if he isn't straight up - lose him. This is another thing you'll have to trust me on unless you want to experience lots of pain and anguish firsthand, which, if you do, I commend you - but don't recommend anyway. Pain and anguish isn't all its cracked up to be.

4. Listen to objective advice.
That is, if your girlfriend comes out and tells you, honestly, that she doesn't think he likes you - don't assume she's just jealous and wants to steal him away or something (unless your girlfriend has shown this tendency before... in which case I wonder why she's your friend... but who am I to judge?) Similarly, if your friend suggests talking to him, try to arrange it. If she suggests calling him and to "QUIT BEING A CHICKEN", you might want to take that advice too. Most of the time, people who are looking at a situation objectively can see things a lot more clearly than those that are in the situation. Your judgement could be clouded by "feelings", and "fear"... whatever that is. But onlookers don't have that. (The only thing they have is a want for entertainment - but try not to worry about that too much - if they like you, they won't ruin your life completely). So they can give you good advice and put things into perspective. Like: "Listen, I know you, and 2 weeks down the line you're not even going to like him and you're going to be wondering why you ever thought the way you think, and I'll be laughing at you then, but there's no reason for you to cry about it now because, in the long run, it really doesn't matter."

5. Stop analyzing.
This is the hardest one of all to do. Even harder than taking objective advice and being straight up. Just: STOP. Don't read into every little sentence he uttered and every gesture he made. Have fun while you're together, and then think about something other than him. Honestly people... don't you have anything better to do?

6. Remember: Life goes on.
Ok, so you followed the advice and everything blew up in your face. Well, we can't win them all. Life goes on, and there will be other boys to like. They come up in the strangest places and at the strangest times sometimes. Laugh about it, learn from it, and then write a pamplet like me and Freezy. We shall pool the knowledge of the universe to come to the conclusion that: There are no rules in love and war. But there sure as hell can be guidelines.

© 2004 Duneyah

Until next time.

In Reference To the Milk and Cereal Boys:


Oh, Uzi's are so useful sometimes:

Mota says: lol, u sure do
Mota says: they look rich
Mota says: specially the one on the left
Mota says: he can afford pants
Me: ??
Me: hahahaha
Mota says: cause he's not wearing a shirt?!?!?
Mota says: nevermind, lame joke
Me: really lame
Mota says: yea, one in a million lame joke
Me: lol
Me: i'm almost tempted to put it up on my site... it's THAT lame

And that is how this post came to be.

Yeah Boy, Shake That Ass!

Sometimes people complicate things for no reason.

That's my philosophical comment of the day.

Well, actually, maybe it just seems like people complicate things for no reason, but there's a reason behind it that they're not even aware of.

That's my psychology courses talking... and possibly the Chinese I'm trying to digest.

But what could possibly be the reason for me complicating things? Maybe I don't feel the way I think I feel. Hmm. Talking in riddles is fun.

Alright stop, Pajama Time.

I want to call Nelly, but it's almost midnight. She would help me solve my riddle talk. But I would hate it if her mom started hating me. I might get banned, like the sewing machine.
Just lose it. Go crazy. Oh baby.

I really like that One -Two Step song now. I heard it when it first came out, and then I forgot about it because Freezy refused to download it and send it to me because we thought that Missy had a part in it and Freezy hates Missy or something, and then I heard it again yesterday, and now I really wanna hear it again. Crazy Freezy.

I read the Rafster's rant about Via, and man, can that boy rant about NOTHING. He spends like half the time talking about the sounds the train is making and the rattling. That's even worse than me. If I were to imitate Rafey's writing style right now, it would go something like this:

Listening to barely audible music transmitting from my sister's computer in her room. She's always got something good on. Right now it's... oh wouldn't you know it? She turns it off just as I'm about to write about it. Crazy her. Oh, there's the HABBO noise. What is the deal with that anyway? Shouldn't she have outgrown that by now? I watched this thing on the news the other day about some girl getting raped by some old man that she met on HABBO. That's so sick. SICK WEIRDOS, GET OFF THE LITTLE KIDDY SITES, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Still silence. Maybe she's dead... She's never been this quiet for this long in her life... "Sonja?" "What?" Oh. Phew. She's okay. HAHAHAHA. I just remembered. Her ex boyfriend called her today, and I was just about to go in the shower when the phone started ringing, so I was like "Oh, Sonja will call you back in like 2 minutes" Just to get him off the phone as quickly as possible. Well, she comes thundering up the stairs screaming "I DON'T HAVE HIS NUMBER!!!" But it was too late. And he hasn't called back since. Poor sucker. She was pretty mad at me... I don't know why they talk on the phone all the time anyway, they talk more now then they did when they were going out. It's annoying. Especially because his name is Andrew, and I know a few Andrews, and it gets confusing when he just launches into a conversation with me and I'm thinking its one of my friends, but it's really her boyfriend. HAHAHA. I just remembered this one time we were all on the bus together, and I walked into this kid and knocked him over with my backpack and he fell on his friend's lap, and Sonja, and Andrew and I were laughing so hard we were crying. When she told me she was breaking up with him, I kept thinking of that time and going "NOOOO!" in my head because it was such a good time and it almost seemed like if she broke up with him, I wouldn't be allowed to remember it anymore or something. But then when she DID break up with him and absolutely nothing changed... I didn't really care anymore. I guess I could learn a few things from my sister. For example, I don't talk to my exes. Unless they call me to ask me about a sweater.... nine months after we've broken up. Weirdos.

That was my Rafey-like rant.

That is all.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Trix Are for Kids!

Since I was having sort of a crappy-feeling-kinda day, I decided to go into the old "Favourites" and dig up some old-school fun. And I ran across these dudes. Man, they make me SOOO happy! I'm going to start a Milk and Cereal Dudes Fan Club for all the Milk and Cereal Dudes fans out there. So, if you have as big a crush on these guys as I do, HOLLA!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it:


I really used to love the one on the right, but the one on the left has totally grown on me recently, to the point that if they both walked up to me in the street and asked me out (oh, I wish!) I wouldn't know who to say "YES, YES! OH GOD YES!" to first!

You can't pinch an inch!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

2 Essays Due on Monday: Time to Write Emails to Old Friends

Yes. You read right.

When Captain Obvious has work to do, she writes emails to old friends. And new friends. And friends she's gotten into fights with in the past little while.
She also spends 6 hours in a row watching the Ashlee Simpson show and The Newlyweds whilst contemplating WHY she's watching the Ashlee Simpson show and The Newlyweds, WHY Nick married Jessica (except for the obvious hotness factor - but I mean, come on, is someone being hot really a good enough reason to marry them? Never mind. I just thought of that Paco Rabanne Model on my desktop and answered my own question. *drools*), and WHY Ashlee insists on calling her ex-boyfriend, Josh, cute.

Why?? He's not cute at all. There's nothing cute about him. AND she's an idiot. Just like her sister. Because I saw that breakup coming like a Mack truck from like... a billion miles away. And she's all shocked about it. Weirdo. Weirdo idiot. I mean, if you do a guy's laundry, and feed him, and all he says is "I gotta go"... it means HE HATES YOU AND WANTS TO DUMP YOUR STUPID DUMB ASS BUT HASN'T FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO IT YET.

Or maybe its this cynical view I take that gets me into trouble with boys. I always think they hate me. Even when they don't. Because if someone isn't outright obvious about really really really liking me... that constitutes grounds for hate. In my mind. Maybe I'm the weirdo idiot... probably.

Anyways, this has turned into a pointless rant about ME when it really should be about ASHLEE and how stupid SHE is. So revert your attention to that while I go write some more emails. Because I sure as hell don't wanna write about psychopathology in female juvenile offenders anymore.

Oh yes, and, in other news, for my friends who I never talk to but who presumably read this to keep up with the events in my life: I'm going to now be specializing in psychology because biology has pushed me over the edge and if I don't change my course soon, I'm going to end up killing more than one person in that department. I don't think that would look good on my application to any graduate programs.

That is all.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


So yesterday, Friday night, I go to this concert. Yugo thing. And uh, like every single Yugo event that I ever go to, it has to end in a fight. WHY? Good lord. Boys are SO stupid. But especially Yugo boys. It's like they were born with half of their brain missing or something. All of them. Every single one. The fight starts with 2 people, and instead of running in there to separate the morons, like 16 more people just JOIN in. Then half of the fight gets moved outside while the other half stays inside. Then the spectators start fighting. So now you've got three groups of like 8 guys going at each other, and security is on all of them, and they just can't stop it because there just aren't nearly enough SANE people in the crowd. I don't know what it was about. Frankly, I don't care. If someone makes a comment about your mom, your grandfather, your nationality, your clothes, your car, your girl: WHO GIVES A SHIT? Just walk it off. And you know it was about something stupid like that too. It definitely wasn't about like... well I really can't think of any good reasons to get into a fight at all. So I guess that's why I'm having trouble coming up with a list of when its excusable to get into a fight.

It makes all of us look bad. If you want to be an IDIOT, please, don't do it at functions where a certain group of people gathers and is being represented. Because it's really NOT a pleasant thing that we have a hard time booking hotels when people hear what its for. And its embarrassing having the cops come to separate Yugo fights all the time. You got beef with someone? Handle it on your own turf, on your own time. Don't bring it to my goddamned concert where I'm trying to have a good time with my girls.

That whole "pride" thing in our boys just gets taken too far, too often. And I for one am sick and tired of it.

ANYWAYS, the great thing about today was that I got to talk to one of my great friends at length and he made me laugh and it was good and now I feel great. Tomorrow I'm off to see Santa. And, unlike Rafey, I'm not taking my sister to cover it up either.

That is all.

Friday, November 19, 2004

This Means War

Ok. So the Rafster wants to play hard ball. And I quote:

"i think i am the obvious winner over dune-yah in these blogwars. and i swears on the precious that only maybe 10 of those 82 is meself."

Yeah, obviously because you sent the email letting people know you had a blog to like 82 people, and I sent mine to like 10. And you're advertising your blog in your msn name... and I can't be bothered. But if you want to play dirty... It's ON!

My blog shall now be so full of witicisms and criticisms that people will be running to their computers to check for an update every 15 minutes because it is so great. Beat THAT.

The war starts... uh... tomorrow. When something worth writing about happens. (Hopefully).

Thanks for your input...

Pondering whether I should start cleaning my house yet or what. I totally don't want to do it, but I totally have to. My friend is coming over tonight. At six. But the deadline is actually like four, when my mom gets home and decides to yell at me for not having done anything.
I don't know why she insists on presenting this falsified view of the world to the people who come over. Clearly, our house is NEVER clean in reality EXCEPT for when people come over. Why is she such a liar? And why does she insist on turning me into one too? I couldn't care less about the state of my house when my friend comes over. Honestly, I don't think my friend cares either. She just wants to sleep here because its convenient. Its not like I have dirty underwear on my bed or fungus growing on an old piece of fruit under it. And even if I did, (which I don't) she could just move it over and lie down and go to sleep. And I HONESTLY don't think she'll care about whether or not the dishes are done.
But its just like when you get all dressed up for dates and stuff - you never actually look that good in real life, but you want them to think you do.
I'm hungry. I want a pita.
I heard this really good piece of advice: its supposed to be a way to use Murphy's Law to your advantage (you know, the worst possible thing that could happen, will happen? That thing?) Anyways, you're supposed to eat onions before you go on a date and then your date will be sure to wanna kiss you. 'Cause that's the way of Murphy's Law. But then, you DO want your date to kiss you, so you're using it to your advantage (of course, if you bring mints with you - because otherwise...)
Anyways, I'm thinking of trying that. I'll let you know whether it works or not.
I think one of my friends is turning very strange. He keeps saying really strange things, like "I wuvs fluffy things". What the heck is that? Weirdo.


Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Life of Me

There are some things that I can't for the life of me understand. Like why I'm doing this. Or why The Rafster has denied me the priviledge, nay, the right to post comments on his blog about his blog. So I'll post stuff here. About him. And others. Maybe you.

Probably not.
I predict that this will last: 3 posts. YAYAYAAYAYAYAYA.

That is all.