Monday, November 29, 2004

Something Interesting


I want to dance.
Dance dance dance.
And I tried it in my room. But my drawer still won't close. I thought that if I ignored it for a few days it would just go back to being complacent. But it hasn't. All it has done is become a new depository for all of the things that can't find space on my over-crowded desk or clothing-covered floor. For example, for some odd reason, now my camera is in there. And so is my Patrick the Starfish doll. And so are my pajama bottoms and my bathing suit... Oh good god. I found cough drops and a receipt from Future Shop! $9.99 for 12 batteries? What a deal! My dad told me he'd fix it last week. This means it'll get done... uh... next year. If I'm lucky. That's the way things go in my family. I put in a request for my aunt to send me this cream stuff from Europe like... in August... when I was leaving. It is now the end of November and she still hasn't even put it in the mail. Which means that even if she's super efficient and mails it by the end of December, it still won't be here until like... February because the Serbian Postal Service Sucks. Hee hee. I like how I made the "s" in "sucks" capital. That's funny. I guess you had to be there...
Anyway, I can't dance. And it's making me so sad. But not as sad as not having that new Ciara song. Now I kinda don't like Freezy as much as I used to because she wouldn't download it for me. I WANT TO DANCE! STUPID DRAWER!

George made fun of me yesterday because I went onto this rampage trying to explain to him what a Quince was and he's worked in produce for a billion years. That really apparently cut me deep since I still remember it and it was like... 24 hours ago. So George: way to cut me deep man.

Uzi says it's Aslu's birthday today. But we don't believe him. And by "we", I mean me... mainly. Because I was convinced it was his birthday tomorrow. By Freezy and Rafey. Apparently not. Well, Happy Birthday Aslu! Whatever day it's on! (I'm a great friend...)

Oh! George just signed on! - 9:38 P.M. Let's find out what he has to say for himself!
9:41 P.M. I think he's stalling for time. He asked me "which part?" cut me deep. As if he didn't know...
9:42 P.M. He says he's passionate about produce. HaHa. How could anyone stay mad at him?
9:42 and 30 seconds P.M. He says he never made fun... Could I have just made this up in my head?
9:43 P.M. George is really great when he's not cutting you deep. I hope we can stay friends through all of this.
9:44 P.M. Uh oh, now he's getting defensive. He says I'm the one that cut HIM deep because I assumed he didn't know what a Quince was...
9:45 P.M. His responses are getting more and more delayed. I think I've caught him in his web of deceit and lies. Well deceit and lies are really like almost the same thing... but they're both really good words and I couldn't pick which one I liked better. So sue me.
9:45 and 30 seconds P.M. He says he doesn't recall calling anyone "dummy". Maybe I am just exaggerating... no! He must'n't see the fear in my eyes. Must maintain composure... stick to the script...
HaHa. This reminds me of this one time I was trying to talk to this guy, and I had this script perfectly worked out in my head... Oh wait. George is blinking...
9:47 P.M. I think he just won. I'm not sure how that happened. But I was telling a story... Anyways, so I'm talking to this guy and I have all my lines worked out and all his lines worked out and everything. And then he said something he wasn't supposed to. And it threw me completely off kilter (is that a word? And if so, is that how you spell it?) and I went completely crazy and starting not making any sense and I had to be like "Oh, I have to go now!" even though I really didn't have anywhere to go. Wow. That was a pointless story. A perfect way to end a pointless post. I shall revert you back to the starting line: THE TITLE LIES.

That is all.

Gah! Aple just told me I needed a boyfriend. I'M WORKING ON IT. For Pete's sake... you try finding yourself a boyfriend when you're so much like me...

10:08 P.M.
I lied. That wasn't all. For some odd reason people have decided to be entertaining tonight:

Mota says: rafey said he got him a snake, but he's lying
Me:hahaha that'd be a good idea
Mota says: he said a real live snake
Mota says: not just a fake one
Me: that'd be a really good idea
Me: because aslu is afraid of snakes
Mota says: then rafey said we all woudl take turns taking care of it
Mota says: since aslu won't keep it
Mota says: orrr. .lets put the snake in a cinnabon box, so when he opens to eat it. bAMMMMMMM
Mota says: he shits his pants!!

Oh Mota... what would we do without you and your beyond brilliant ideas?
Oh, and just to be fair, here is George's interpretation of last night's events:

George says: my interpretation of it was as follows
George says: you: 'this is a quince [insert picture]'
George says: me: 'yeah, i know'

I think we can all agree that my interpretation was much more exciting. In a good way. Even George agreed to that.

That is all.

10:16 P.M.

Mota says: i'm prettty sure u can edit it
Me: yeah.... but all that effort...
Mota says: no. u just click edit, and add it in there
Me: ok
Me: there
Me: done and done
Mota says: damn, aslu is gonna kill me
Me: why?
Mota says: he's very sensitive about shitting his pants


Blogger G-Funk said...

Dunja, let me tell you, you have WAY too much time on your hands. That's all for now.

P.S. All hail Rafey.

11:26 p.m.  
Blogger Rafey said...

uhhh...who's g-funk?
anyways, uzair that cinnabon box thing with the snake in it is sheer brilliance..i'd hug you if i was in sauga.
and if you were attractive.
and if you were a girl.

damn uzair you have so many hindrances...

9:53 a.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

Oh Rafey, you are so brilliant. Beyond brilliant. And you make things so easy for poor Mota. It rocks my socks.

11:22 a.m.  

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