Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Yeah, so today OWNED!

I woke up feeling all happy because I was well rested and knew I looked glorious because my hair was working yesterday and there wasn't a single lurker lurking on my face. HOORAH! I thought happy thoughts about happy people that make me happy and feel warm and snuggly and... warm. Aw. It was swell.
Then I went downstairs and made myself some pizza and listened to some tunes I haven't listened to in a long while. I was tempted to dance around in my underwear, as is customary in our household, but I restrained myself and actually put pants ON before I started dancing. Yes. 'Tis a miracle. Then I got ready for work, all the while thinking, "Wow, isn't this swell?" and so on. On the way to work, I ALMOST slipped on a patch of black ice... like, my leg was halfway where it should never be, but I caught myself. This coincidence made me even happier because I thought "Wow, if I'd just fallen, I could've killed myself! But I didn't! That's AWESOME!" And then as I was going down the little hill to jay-walk across the road, I slipped in the muddy-mud 'cause it's all muddy 'cause it's been raining lately and also the snow is melting... anyway, and I almost fell head-on into oncoming traffic, but I caught myself again. And I thought "Wow Dunja! God totally doesn't want you to die today!" This made me super happy. So I got to work all happy and I was all happy thinking "Wow, the only thing that could make today any better is if HE called." But then Josie told me we get paid today! Wow! I hadn't even thought that was an option! So I got paid today!!! And also, this cute guy named Chris came in to pick up his shirt! And he was cute!
On the way home, I jogged 'cause I was so happy and full of energy, and I was singing "JUST GOT PAID AND I GOT A LITTLE MONEY TO BUUUUURN!!!!" Oh. It was so hot.
I ran into my neighbour, who heard me singing, and he was all like "What're you doing this weekend?" And that made me even happier than I already was because I know I have plans for this weekend, and they're good plans. They're really good plans. Like, I'm going out and partying on Saturday. And then on Sunday... well. They're good plans. :D So I was all like "I gotta get laid gotta find me a sexy..." And he looked at me weird. And I said "I have to go."
And that brings me to now. In exactly 20 minutes, American Idol will be bringing me muchos laughs, and I will be feeling happier than I've ever felt in my life!
Oh my gosh!!
What a great day!!!

P.S. The only way this day could get better is if he calls. Which he won't. Not that this day needs to get better, because it's already SO GREAT. But just in case someone is wondering if there was anything that could make me any happier at this moment: well, there is. And that's it. There's always something you want... no matter how great things are.


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