Sunday, January 16, 2005

Wanted: 5.4 Extra Earths!

Change is taking over in a big way.
Firstly, I have added a counter to the blog, and I'm getting a lot more hits than anticipated. A tad unnerving. Also a tad inspiring. Perhaps I can start a revolution? Secondly, I received an actual letter in the mail from Nelly, who lives 10 streets down. Pure genius. I hoped to continue the letter exchange as getting mail rocks! (Unfortunately, for reasons discussed further on, this doesn't seem to be a viable option.) Thirdly, I went to a party yesterday and almost passed out from boredom. Granted, it was my little cousin's Sweet Thirteenth, the person closest to my age at the party was 14, and I shouldn't have been expecting much... but it was still way lamer than I ever fathomed a party could be. Fourthly, I actually read for class this weekend. This is such a rare occurrence that my mother crossed herself when she walked into my room and caught me studying. My mother isn't all that religious. She goes to church twice a year because the minister is "handsome" and to show off her new leather (cow killer!) boots to the rest of the congregation (most of whom go for the same reason). So it was doubly significant.
In a (poor) attempt to be more environmentally friendly, I have been walking through my house and switching off lights and appliances and the like for the past week. I also yelled at my mother when she bought those damned "Brush Up" thingies. Good lord. So much waste in the packaging alone. I felt bad about how much garbage I alone create when I realized that I eat out of styrofoam containers way more often than I should (damned environmentally UNFRIENDLY Pub!), and that every day I drink Timmies coffee from a cup that is just thrown out and added to the waste pile we send to Michigan on a daily basis. I am also guilty of using paper towels in the bathroom instead of the hand dryer. :( Then I took the ecological footprint quiz and wanted to shoot myself. According to it, if everyone in the world lived like me, we'd need 6.4 Earths to sustain us! I am way worse than I ever thought I was!
This is when I realized that my mail exchange with Nelly would have to end because it uses up too much paper and email is much more forest-friendly that way... although email uses up electricity, and that's a lot more fossil-fuel unfriendly, so I'll have to weigh the costs at a later date. I vow to buy one of those Timmies mugs so that I don't keep using the damned disposable cups. And I'm never eating out of the Pub again. I'll get my food TO STAY. (Also, I'm going to tell whoever's in charge that they should look into getting some BIODEGRADABLE takeout containers, for Pete's sake!) There will be no more lights left on when no one's in the room in my house, and recycling is coming back in a big way. I made my dad decrease the amount of water used in every toilet flush, so that's a step in the right direction. Now I have to give up 20 minute showers. There will be a severe decrease in the purchasing of anything "disposable". No more "disposable" face towels or toilet brushes. And I shall just continue to use Public Transit for all my transportation needs. Yes, my friends, change is indeed taking over in a big way for me.
I encourage you to also start looking into living as if though we didn't have 5.4 extra Earths just lying around... mainly because we don't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hippy tree hugger

BTW: Your welcome for the counter.. scary thing isn't it?

5:14 p.m.  

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