Friday, May 19, 2006

66% of the way there

Well, two out of three isn't bad.

I went to and actually sat through my lecture yesterday - which is a miracle considering an hour before it started I was still in my pajamas bawling at the TV ("Armageddon" was on).

Today, I looked into that bank job, but they're not hiring anymore. I also looked into that summer camp job, but they're not hiring anymore either. So much for the job thing...

Luckily, my grade 5 teacher came to the rescue - she's letting me volunteer with her 3 days a week, and she's going to hook me up with a grade one teacher at the school too to "expand my portfolio".
I looked into volunteering at some summer camps that deal with special needs children, and one of them looks promising. I'm waiting for the call back.

I also looked into volunteering at Geneva Center and Surrey Place. These places constantly need volunteers to help out with the kids who have autism, down syndrome, and fetal alcohol syndrome.

I'm actually really excited now at this new slew of paths that are seemingly just opening up to me. Seems like this is something I should've done a long time ago. I feel more useful already, and all I've done is committed a little bit of time. Wish me luck!

In other news: Dave's party is tonight and I'm SO EXCITED. I'm heading over to Nelly's at 7pmish. We're going to spend hours primping and prepping, get drunk, head over, have fun, and crash at her place.
She's making the dress I'll be wearing at the June 3rd wedding I'm attending.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAND: The Da Vinci Code comes out today. Woot! Although a giant part of me thinks it's wrong to contribute to the sensationalism and celebration of mediocrity that is to be this movie, I'm still pretty sure I'll be contributing to it's number one spot on the "Highest Grossing Movie this past weekend" charts come Monday.


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