Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Jay Hernandez

Don't you sometimes wish that your life was more like a VCR? Wouldn't it be awesome if life had a pause button (and a rewind button and a fastforward one too)?
I wish I could pause life right now and just take a breather. Exams are fast approaching and I'm starting to freak out mainly because this:
is going to be my life for the next month when I would much rather it be this:
For those who don't recognize it, the above is (part of) the picture collage of Summer 2003 on my wall. (Summer 2004 is equally noteworthy, I just didn't make a picture collage of it because I was either lazy or had no time. I can't remember which of those two it was...) Anyway, back to the VCR analogy and what prompted it: I've had some really bad news, and if I could just lie in bed for the next 6 hours I'm almost positive I would feel better about stuff. But I can't do that. Because life doesn't stop just because you need it to.
And while on this stupid thought-tangent, thinking about how a pause button would be handy, I thought of about 10 situations in my life that I would like to rewind to and change. And 7/10 of those have to do with ONE person. Admitting that, it seems like this entire year has just been an enormous waste of time.
I haven't eaten anything since 2pm yesterday, and I'm really not hungry. I just want to go to sleep for a while. A long while. And dream of Jay Hernandez:

HAHA. I laugh at all the guys that are on this site at school or at work right now... the person walking behind you thinks you're gay! HAHA. Man... that made my day...

And yes, your worst presumptions are probably correct. Jay IS my new desktop background. :D


Blogger unreuly said...

oh my god...i'm in LOVE with jay hernandez....kirsten dunst (From crazy/beautiful, as good a movie as it was) doesn't deserve him...i do...but i'd gladly share him with you dunja girl!!! You're gorgeous, George and Marshall don't know nothing...and the guy from the birthday party is a loser!

3:55 p.m.  

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