Wednesday, March 09, 2005

George Bush Twice: Enough Said

If you had told me an hour ago that "Constantine" a.k.a. OLD DUDE, Blond Harry Potter, and Fatty would make it into the American Idol Top 12 and not TRAVIS TUCKER with that beaming, charming smile, and those dance moves, and that... *drools* drool-worthy something he just HAS... I would've said you were mental, and if that did in fact happen, it would signify the end of the world:


Gah. I mean, I shed a tear. Several actually, for Travis and his mother that fainted when he made it through to Hollywood during the auditions. And I pray that someone will find me his fanmail address so I can send him lots of letters proclaiming my love and proposing marriage and so on. But I shed most tears for myself. I mean, Travis was the one guy who gave vent to my girlish fantasies like no one has been able to since the Backstreet Boys back in grade 7. I mean, real-life crushes are fun, but fundamentally have a disappointment mechanism built into them: reality. With the passage of time, you get to know your real life crush, reality hits, and disillusionment quickly follows. Star crushes aren't like that. I could go on loving Travis forever, he'd never disappoint me. He'd never forget to call when he said he would, or misinterpret the situation and start dating another girl when I thought things were going well between us, or act like a child, or be too serious, or embarrass me in front of others, or pick a fight, or refuse to listen... (or put in any effort, or try at all). I mean, I have been enjoying Travis' company for several weeks now, (ever since AI came on), and he hasn't disappointed me once. He showed up for every single one of our "dates", dressed to impress, was entertaining but not overbearing, shot a few of those charming smiles my way, left me wanting more but feeling happy about the progress we'd made, and there was never any need to question where our relationship was heading, because we both always knew. So what if he has no idea I exist? At least that's concrete. I mean "I have no idea who you are" is WAY more concrete than "I'm not sure where I see this going."
Unfortunately, with this damned reality craze that has permeated everything, even television, the safehaven to the imagination run wild, my relationship with Travis also had to face reality. (DAMN YOU REALITY!!!) Today Travis was gone forever from my life without any explanation and hardly a worthy goodbye. And taking what could've potentially been his place in that Top 12 are a Fatty, an Old Guy who DID just do a BAD impression of Sting, and a Blond version of Harry Potter, minus the cool adventures and magic and stuff. Like, WTF?

Don't even get me started on the fact that Nikko didn't get in. Nikko's rendition of "Georgia On My Mind" was probably the single best performance AI has seen all season, and stupid America lets him go?
I just remembered why I hated this show last season: America has no taste! Canadian Idol sucks because we have no one to choose from (I mean, Kalen, Galen, whatever the heck his name is Porter? Or whatever? He looks like a CLOWN), and American Idol sucks because America sucks and doesn't know how to choose right.
I'm shocked and appalled. And more than a little disappointed at this premature ending to what promised to be one of the healthier relationships I've been in in the past little while. Sad, isn't it? Then again, that seems to be the way the cookie crumbles.

I knew I should never have put much stock into a nation that elected George Bush for president. TWICE.

In other news: The Game and Fiddy seem to have made it up, or at least that's what CBC or CTV or some C-thingy but NOT CNN was reporting today which is a good thing because I saw the "Hate It or Love It" video again today and it seems that The Game has a rather nice tummy too, so that would've made my decision hard... but now I don't have to make it! And I'm still sick. That's about it though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dunja,

You sound somewhat .... heartbroken... just try to remember that

"Without the bitter, the sweet
isn't as sweet"


"Every passing minute is a
chance to turn it all around."

ah... how we find solace in fiction

10:28 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dunja,

You sound somewhat .... heartbroken... just try to remember that

"Without the bitter, the sweet
isn't as sweet"


"Every passing minute is a
chance to turn it all around."

ah... how we find solace in fiction

10:29 a.m.  

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