Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hiatus Is A GO

Intrigue is back. I knew seeing people again would bring about adventure.
So remember Model Boy from New Year's Eve? He's gone to New Orleans, but NOW I get to meet his younger brother who has moved up to Toronto. Coincidence? Well, obviously not. Interesting? Definitely.
Then yesterday, certain wanna-be relationships were finally buried for good. Which is good. I like it when I know where I stand with someone OFFICIALLY. But it was weird how it came about because a few hours before we had "the talk" (and there is only one "the talk" when it comes to wanna-be relationships, so you know exactly WHAT "the talk" I'm talking about... yes... it is the one you think it is) his friend stops me on campus to ask me how things are going with us. And I'm thinking "Wow, this is weird. You mean he hasn't mentioned that things AREN'T going with us?" But I say "Uh, I don't know." And then a few hours later I did know. Which is usually how life goes, you notice? You know the answer to the question AFTER the fact. Which is sorta useless when you think about it...
And then just when I finish dealing with one "I don't know what this is" situation, another one crops up. I hate that. Yesterday it was a friend who is saying things that have other-than-friend undertones. Not necessarily more-than-friend, just different-dynamic-then-we've-had-up-until-now type dealy. I hope it was just the weather, because the last thing I need right now is another "I don't know what this is" thing. I hate not knowing what something is. If I could walk around with a labelling gun labelling everything, I would TOTALLY do it. Wouldn't that greatly simplify things? Having like a little chart connecting you to all the people you know with different coloured lines and like a little legend telling you what the colours stand for? And then when a relationship changed, the line colour would automatically do so as well, so you'd KNOW the relationship changed, and so would the other person, so you'd always be in the same place? Knowing what was going on? And there could be no in-betweenies? Wow. That'd be majorly helpful. You should get on that.
The good news is that I've finally realized that nothing is easy. And since I'm a lazy person and I've finally realized nothing is going to come about without a LOT of work on my part, and I'm too immature to put work in, I think that my hiatus from boys MIGHT actually stick this time. Case in point: when friend-boy went to "I don't know what this is"-boy, I didn't question him about it as I normally would. I didn't push for answers, I didn't push in any certain direction. I ignored it. And I never plan on bringing it up either. If I ignore it for long enough, it'll go away. Just like my mother when she's trying to get me to do the dishes. So that's the new plan of attack: just ignore the boys until they give up and go away. I find I have more fun without them anyway. Hiatus is a GO. But keep the intrigue coming.


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