Sunday, March 27, 2005

Kinder Surprise!

Some things ABA-solutely NEVER change...

Photographic evidence of what my sister is doing behind my back when I'm giving her instructions...

Haha, I got her back though when the camera caught her at an inopportune moment:

Maybe it's cruel I put that on the internet...

Before you read on, since the rest of this post sucks and is boring and you shouldn't bother with it, I'd like to direct you to two posts that are anything BUT boring: ZMP's latest post and Rosey's latest post

Oh, and I'll also recommend a really good movie I saw this weekend: Real Women Have Curves. Two thumbs up. Now back to my boring post:

Listening to Fiddy's Massacre - and I really like "Just A Lil Bit"
I predict that's the next big thing.

I got flowers today from that old man that comes into the store and calls me gorgeous (for Easter - the flowers were for Easter. Not the gorgeous-calling.) Twas the sweetest thing ever. He also gave me a Kinder Surprise! If he were 40 years younger, I'd totally date him.

Other than that, nothing really worth noting has happened recently. Well, Thursday night didn't quite turn out as planned, but something was proven that I had long suspected: if you have to be caught in a jam with anyone, Pauly is exactly the dude you want to have there. Especially if you're drunk. And I'm the person that should definitely not be within a five mile radius of an ambiguous situation where people don't know what to do - because I WILL freak out... I mean, I'm not calm at the best of times. So Thursday, we (the usual suspects) go out to make it up to Zeebs for her previous stint as D.D. And... well... let's just say that we now owe her 2 nights - because Thursday, in our haste to make sure she was anything BUT the D.D. - we boozed her up a little too much and ended up in a hospital. :( She's fine. A short panic attack and checkup later, she was home with a hangover, and I was home getting lectured. :( Had to cancel plans with Ramiro as a result :( The good news is that I think my parents will have the good taste not to bring it up for the rest of the weekend as tomorrow will be spent at my grandparent's house for Easter, and it'd be pretty stupid of them to lecture me about drinking at that time... although I can't put anything past them anymore.
I shouldn't be too hard on them. My mom bought me two gorgeous sweaters (on sale) today. But my dad also refused to go pick my sister up from the movies on account of he was playing a video game in his pyjamas. And then my mom dropped two loaves of bread on the driveway when we were taking the groceries in. Somehow, although I was ten feet away and halfway up the stairs with about 6 bags of groceries in my hands, she still found a way to blame me for her mishap. And my dad did make me spaghetti at like midnight last night, but he was also responsible for the giant lecture about how my life is going nowhere on Friday morning, so in the end, their positives and negatives as parents cancel out to... um... all negatives. But I love them.

VONNELL IS BACK from her exotic cruise around the world and I can't WAIT to hear stories! She's coming to visit me at school on Monday, basically ensuring that I will never EVER finish that SOC assignment I've had all year to work on, worth 15% of my mark. But it's just so totally worth it. I mean, friends ALWAYS take priority. ESPECIALLY after a vacation when they have stories and you have none and have to live vicariously through someone. So let's hear it for the mediocrity that will ensue as a result of my poor time management!


Blogger ZedEmPee said...

Ohhhh man, Paul never told me about that incident...instead, I got a euphemized version of the situation. Damn, he really IS a good liar eh? How long did you guys have to wait at the hospital? AnywayZ(ellers), I hope she and her liver are alright now.

Oh and haha, thanks for the shoutout, I try [Macy Gray].

3:15 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinder Surprises rock....
I used to get one a week from my dad...back when ich lebte in das Deutschland...

Anyways, tell your sister I said Hi! (still waiting for written consent)

Bust a Move!

6:25 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

I don't get it...

12:58 a.m.  

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