Friday, March 04, 2005

A Question of Taste

Is it wrong to publish a message left on your voicemail on the internet? I mean, is it immoral? And, perhaps more importantly, is it illegal? When someone leaves a message on MY voicemail, does it then become MY property? Or is it still theirs 'cause they said it? What if they leave a message on my voicemail about how they cured cancer or something and then I publish a report and get all the credit for it - is that stealing, or is it a weird way of them giving me a gift? What if they say something incriminating? Am I obligated to tell the police? Or is it still their words so I can't say anything? Well, that wouldn't work at all. I'd have to tell according to the law unless I was married to the person and we had husband/wife priviledge thingy going on, or I was their doctor or Rabbi or priest or something, but even then, if they left a message on my voicemail, I'll bet the prosecutors could argue that the priviledge doesn't apply since they weren't telling YOU directly, they were telling a machine, or something. Now, what if it's none of the above (since I will never be a Rabbi or a doctor or a priest, and I doubt I'll ever be married), but someone leaves you a hilarious drunken message that you'd like to publish on the internet for all to laugh at, but that the person might feel stupid about later? Can you do that? And if so, do you have to ask them for permission? Or do you just do it and deal with the consequences later?

I think I should stop just doing things and dealing with the consequences later. It's time I started using this evolved brain of mine to do what it evolved to do: i.e. think ahead. Because this "I'll deal with that bridge when I come to it" nonsense is getting me nowhere.

Remember how a hiatus from boys (for me) has been a long time in the making? Well, I can't seem to take one and stick to it. And I think it's because of my unwillingness (mainly due to laziness) to think ahead. It seems that every time I decide "Ok, that's enough of that now..." something new crops up seemingly different, but really all the same, to take its place. And then I scratch my head again. Gahahaurghaurgha. And no, I'm not turning into the Governor of California, I'm just frustrated...

Anyway, if you think it's okay for me to publish a hilarious voicemail message on my blog, let me know, and it shall be done. I'll use y'all to do my thinking ahead for me. (We'll tackle the boy issues at another date.)


Blogger G-Funk said...

It is a violation of the voice messaging systems act. According to the law, you cannot publish in any way or form any part of the message in written, spoken, or visual form unless explicit consent is given by the author(s). So I urge you to not publish the message on blogspot, unless permission is granted.

11:15 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen Dunja...

That message I left on your voicemail was requesting for written consent to hit on your sister, once she turns 18, of course, and not a day earlier.... cause that would be wrong....

And shame on you for pimping your sister on your voicemail like that..... all the boys/men/children (aka your ex-s) have to speak to your sister before leaving a message for you...

If you want to stand clear of any legal liabilities.... your voice mail should be....

"Leave me a message if you want me to post it in my blog, and for a 3 am boot call press 3"

Your Three Pusher,

5:16 p.m.  

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