Thursday, February 24, 2005

TRAVIS TUCKER (and my "triumphant" return)

It's real cute how y'all miss me when I'm gone. :)
I find that I actually get more hits when I don't update. Which is weird. But also akin to real life. I've noticed that people care a lot more about why I'm quiet when I'm not talking then they do about what I'm saying when I am...

Well anyway, the last few days have been really hectic and haven't even really given me much material to work with, which is a shame. I got my nails done, so it's a lot harder to type now. I must make every key-strike count! Wow, that was a waste...

I've had a couple disappointments these past few days:
1) I bombed yet two more tests. Which now leaves me on a 3/4 bombing streak.
2) I spent all the money I've earned thus far in one ill-planned, ill-timed, badly coordinated shopping spree with my sister (coincidentally the weekend before my bombed tests... I wonder what I was trying to 'escape' with that one...)
and 3) Boy troubles have returned. Sighity sigh sigh.(SSS?) I've had one cancellation, one horrible embarrassment, and one HORRIBLY timed confession - and those three aren't even remotely related. It's been a busy week...

I have one piece of good news to share: George finally snapped out of his "I'm going to be stubborn" attitude and decided to put an end to the hiatus our relationship has been on. And I'm grateful, since a dose of reality from his perspective has sorely been missed since he ditched me. Or I ditched him. However that went down. I don't really remember, it was a while ago.

George told me to tell you guys that Bach didn't write the Ninth Symphony in one night (in response to your missing me)... but I don't think Bach wrote THE Ninth Symphony at all... which would mean that either a) George thinks I shouldn't update my blog anymore, or b) George confused Bach with Beethoven. Which is conceiveable... at least more so then me never updating my blog again... even though Bach and Beethoven were separated by several hundred years... and the genres were completely different... I mean, we're talking Baroque and Classical/Romantic here... we're talking Brandenburg Concerto vs. the Drink Milk Love Life song... like... hello?!?

George witnessed "Diffusion of Responsibility" - a Social Psychology phenonmenon we've been studying today. I shall now share his story with you to illustrate said phenomenon and bring it to life:

George says: this group of people got off the bus at lawrence and bathurst and they crossed the street
George says: and this one kid (about 10) tried to climb over the dirty ice piled on the side of the street and as he gets to the top, he slips on it and does a full flip, landing on top of the dirty ice. he then proceeds to tumble onto the sidewalk where he lay for about half a minute while about 10 people stood there, twiddling their thumbs and waiting for the stoplight to change
George says: the kid finally gets up and tries to laugh it off, while limping in pain and some old lady finally goes 'are you ok?'

And that, my dears, is why when bad things happen to good people... they tend to only get worse... Moral of the story: Don't slip on ice with only the TTCT or "Thumb Twiddling Club of Toronto" as your backup...

In other good news, my favouritest American Idol, TRAVIS TUCKER (can I get a WHA WHAAAT?!?!) contestent is STILL IN THE RUNNING!!!

...The stamp collection is coming along marvelously... thank you for asking...

And now I'm off to drool over this picture of Travis Tucker... *drools*


Blogger Rafey said...


8:59 a.m.  
Blogger Rafey said...

oh and i just saw the travis tucker link.. is that the dude whose mom went psycho and died on air when she found out the guy moved onto the next round?

oddly, that was the first and only episode of american idol i've ever seen.

i liked that skanky oriental chick. she's cool ^_^

9:02 a.m.  

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