Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Down With Feathers!

I hate using the computer in the library.
I always feel like someone is reading everything I'm writing over my shoulder.
Maybe that's because they are.
Stop reading what I'm writing. Yes, I'm talking to you weird girl who's reading things over my shoulder.
I guess she's just really curious to find out what my next post is going to be about. I can't blame her (although I certainly don't understand her) since I found out today that Palav reads this thing on a regular basis. And I already knew that Yang read it on a regular basis. And apparently Ramiro does too. I'm sending shouts to all of you. And also lots of pity. *SHAKES HEAD* Because if this is the best way you have to occupy your time... that's bad. There are many better hobbies you could partake in. Take a belly-dancing class. Or learn how to speak French. Or sort through your garbage and separate the recycleables from the non. You could also walk around your house with a lint-roller and pick up any excess lint. Any one of these activities would be more worthwhile.
I'll tell you what wouldn't be more worthwhile than reading my blog, however. If the only alternate activity you can occupy your time with is attending a party that I'm not invited to (*cough* Avon), I suggest missing out on the party and reading my blog instead. Your time will be better spent.
I can guarantee this because there will be no one at the party wearing a lampshade on their head, or tripping over a table and spilling all the snacks on the floor, or finding a sure-fire way to blow every fuse in the fuse-box. And what's a party without a blackout?

I came to an unrelated conclusion today: I think that four years at ESGAY severely warped me because I'm seeing way too many hot guys on campus - and there can't be that many. It's a statistical impossibility. Smart guys aren't cute. Most of the guys here are smart.
I would hate to think what would happen if I went to York. All those stupid, stupid, hot, hot people. I'd need to attach a dish to my chin to collect the drool. So if ever I was considering switching campuses, now I know that I can't. Not if I ever want to leave school. I don't get anything done here as it is, and the hot guy density is like 1 in 100. I would just drool at York. I wouldn't have time to talk or walk or even breathe probably. So coming here is good for me. Until I want to get married.

Well, I have a class in an hour and a half. So I'm off to find another way to kill time. Maybe I'll pull out my handy-dandy lint-roller...
Oh, I just remembered what the inspiration for this post was: My jacket gets feathers all over my clothes. It looks like someone tried to tar and feather me. Minus the tar. It's annoying. :)


Blogger ZedEmPee said...

Capri. Is that an avenue, road, court, crescent, street or boulevard (of broken dreams)?

8:30 p.m.  

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