Friday, December 03, 2004

Bada Boom Bada Bing!


My dad went to work this morning, as per usual. I get a call at like 9:00AM, and I'm trying to sleep, so I let it ring like 20 times hoping the person will get the hint. Well they don't. So I pick up the phone and it's my dad. He asks me if he left his wallet at home. He did. So he has to drive all the way back home from work. Apparently, when they asked him where he was going, he said "Home." When they asked him if he was sick, he said "No." I really don't see where I get my verbosity from... probably my mom. She talks too much.

So this site is pretty good for funny quotes and stuff - from people off of various chat programs and whatnot. Here's one I came across AGAIN today, for like the 5th time, and it made me laugh again, so I figure it's a good one:

well I used to go to a "special" school for troubled kids, so our classes were really easy and pretty dumb. One of them was "work study" and I remember one day a few kids were playing jenga on the main "study" table, and i got the most exellent idea to grab a small model plane from the teachers desk, throw it at the blocks, then after they fell over I shouted " HEY GUESS WHO I AM?!?!"....
That's why i'm home schooled now :-(

HAHAHA. Oh man. That cracks me up. Anywho, this also reminds me of the humorous conversation I had with a perfect stranger yesterday. Allow me to demonstrate:

[01:16:22 AM] Dunja : www.: HAHAHAHA. your jack-o-lantern had a fun halloween
[01:16:29 AM] I've given u: oh yes he did
[01:16:33 AM] Dunja : www.: and then a not so fun november 1st morning
[01:17:14 AM] I've given u: yeah he's one crazy mo-fo
[01:17:29 AM] I've given u: we had to talk him outta jumping off the roof
[01:17:54 AM] Dunja : www.: well he's dead now anyway, isn't he?
[01:18:00 AM] I've given u: yeah
[01:18:07 AM] Dunja : www.: so that was pointless on your part
[01:18:19 AM] I've given u: Yeah that is true
[01:18:46 AM] I've given u: But it doesn't matter now does it
[01:18:55 AM] Dunja : www.: i suppose not
[01:19:04 AM] Dunja : www.: did you bury him?
[01:19:13 AM] I've given u: no the coons got'em
[01:19:19 AM] Dunja : www.: COON?
[01:19:23 AM] Dunja : www.: oooh, RAcoon
[01:19:27 AM] I've given u: lol
[01:19:27 AM] Dunja : www.: weirdo
[01:19:28 AM] I've given u: yeah
[01:19:39 AM] Dunja : www.: that first syllable is vital
[01:20:01 AM] I've given u: what other thing could a coon possibly be?
[01:20:13 AM] Dunja : www.: hmmm. good question
[01:22:40 AM] Dunja : www.: just a few other things "coon" could be include:
[01:24:01 AM] Dunja : www.: octoroon? whatever that is.... uh, oversoon.... isn't that two words? afternoon, baboon, balloon, cameroon, monsoon, moon, lampoon, macaroon, maroon, croon, protozoon (i think it's supposed to be protozoan... they're so stupid)
[01:24:14 AM] Dunja : www.: saloon
[01:24:17 AM] Dunja : www.: saskatoon
[01:24:30 AM] I've given u: damn...I got nuttin :(
[01:24:30 AM] Dunja : www.: tycoon
[01:24:33 AM] I've given u: ahhhh
[01:24:33 AM] Dunja : www.: walloon
[01:24:40 AM] I've given u: shroom
[01:24:46 AM] Dunja : www.: ok. that ends in an M
[01:24:56 AM] I've given u: damn
[01:24:58 AM] Dunja : www.: lol


[01:31:11 AM] Dunja : www.: why are these called the "wee" hours of the morning?
[01:31:30 AM] I've given u: cause most people are drunk and need to take a piss.
[01:31:36 AM] Dunja : www.: ah. yes
[01:31:46 AM] I've given u: thats my take on the subject
[01:32:11 AM] Dunja : www.: i thought it might be because the numbers are small - so "Wee" 'cause in ye olde days people used to say "look at that wee one" when talking about a child or something
[01:32:12 AM] I've given u: or a lot of very small men are sliding down...slides
[01:32:19 AM] Dunja : www.: HAHAHAHAHAHAA
[01:32:21 AM] Dunja : www.: that's a good image
[01:32:34 AM] I've given u: I KNOW
[01:32:37 AM] I've given u: lol
[01:32:51 AM] Dunja : www.: they also used to say it when there was one runty pig. they'd be like "look at the wee one"
[01:32:59 AM] Dunja : www.: haha. it'd be funny if the runt was peeing
[01:33:04 AM] Dunja : www.: then they could say "look at the wee one wee"
[01:33:08 AM] I've given u: haha
[01:33:46 AM] Dunja : www.: and a new-english speaking person, if not provided with the image, would hear "look at the WE,ONE/WON, WE" and think that ye olde english folkes were on cracke
[01:34:05 AM] I've given u: aren't they?
[01:34:09 AM] Dunja : www.: probably
[01:34:20 AM] I've given u: i'll put money down on that
[01:34:26 AM] Dunja : www.: i dont' think we can prove it.
[01:34:31 AM] Dunja : www.: most ye olde english people are dead


[01:47:24 AM] I've given u: I drive but have yet to shell out 10,000 buxs in insurance

NOTE: the only reason I didn't rip him to shreds when he wrote "BUXS" is because it was almost two in the morning and I was too tired to notice. If I'd noticed... I need not tell you what would've went down... luckily, he followed it up with quite a nice joke:

[01:47:42 AM] Dunja : www.: why would you have to pay 10000 for insurance?
[01:47:51 AM] Dunja : www.: do you frequently run over little old ladies?
[01:48:02 AM] I've given u: no...Babies
[01:48:07 AM] Dunja : www.: even worse
[01:48:13 AM] I've given u: yeah, its a habit
[01:48:17 AM] Dunja : www.: although i've never heard of a little old baby before...
[01:48:38 AM] I've given u: yeah cause i run them over
[01:48:42 AM] Dunja : www.: HAHAHA
[01:48:46 AM] Dunja : www.: that worked out quite nicely
[01:48:52 AM] I've given u: yes...yes it did

I have to go to school now. :( Sad days. But I'm going to East Side Mario's tonight! Hey! Bada Boom Bada Bing! (I'm excited, in case you can't tell - my life is sad.)


Blogger ZedEmPee said...

I'd just like to comment that your links to other peeps' blogs are wonky. You need to take out the "" part from the code, aiight? Scene.

5:39 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

Who ARE you?
And yes, I'm aware of my "wonky" links. I was going to fix them, but then I thought "NAAAAH". Perhaps, one day, when I say "YEAH" instead of "NAAAH" it'll all work out.
Thanks for your input!

6:04 p.m.  

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