Thursday, July 20, 2006

piss off

Well, it's happened: The precarious peace has been shattered. He's done something (I consider to be extremely) stupid.

He calls me at noon, I return his call at one. He suggests we get together before I have to go to work, at six. He needs to eat, he'll call me back.

He calls back at two:
"Hey listen, I'm really tired, and it just doesn't make sense for me to drive out there for a few hours, running around and stuff. Let's save it for tomorrow, then we can have the whole day."

I hate you when you make sense.

No wait, how is 4 HOURS a few? And how is 4 HOURS running around ? FOUR HOURS is a LOT of time. People give BIRTH in less then four hours (sometimes)! Four hours is longer then most final exams, and way longer then most movies. Four hours is the ENTIRE LIFETIME of a four-hour-old baby. In four hours, you could drive halfway to Montreal or fly all the way to Cuba AND get through customs.

I say, "Yeah, ok."

Silence for 30 seconds.

Why isn't he saying goodbye? Maybe he wants to chat. Well TOO FUCKING BAD.

"I'm going to go clean my bathroom. Bye."

Is it just me, or should he be driving out for three hours to see me for 20 minutes this early in the game? According to the unofficial poll I conducted at work, 70% of the female population agrees that if he's not eager now, I should drop him, because what does that say about him 5 months from now?
A girl who has been in four consecutive relationships with four different guys, all lasting over a year, wisely suggested that he shouldn't be using the "I'm tired" excuse until at least 4 months in, and even then, only under extreme circumstances. What exactly is he tired from, anyway? Sitting around on his ass all day? I mean, I know firsthand how exhausting that can be sometimes, but COME ON. It's like, the sixth time we're ever going out. This is it. This is the PEAK of things. He should be writing me sonnets, not giving me excuses.

Another girl wisely pointed out, "He's just not that into you. If he was, he'd be there." I'm forced to be inclined to have to agree. If the shoe had been on the other foot, I would've driven out to see him.

In conclusion, this has all just been yet another forray into the land of "this isn't going anywhere, is it?"
Join us next time when we try to land a fireman. At least if he's drop dead gorgeous and ripped and a FIREMAN, I won't feel as bad when he's not as into me as I am into him. Plus, that way I'll finally be able to say, "I dated a fireman once, and I dumped him, he just wasn't cutting it" and not be lying.


Blogger unreuly said...

ummm a) there's a reason that none of her four "long-term" relationships have lasted!
b) it ISN'T worth it to drive three hours for a twenty minute rendezvous
c) it seems like you're waiting for something to be wrong with him and if he's not perfect (or what you think of as perfect) then he's got to go...but the truth is, he ISN'T perfect because he's human and perhaps it's not fair to him to have you put him on an unasked for pedestal just so you can topple him off.
d) in this survey, you should listen to the 30% minority!

8:20 a.m.  

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