Saturday, October 22, 2005

these few notes

I have this sneaking suspicion that Piccadilly's rocked last night.
I wasn't even remotely intoxicated, but I had a genuinely good time. (Good indicator.)
Seeing Pauly get into a giant circle and jump around with people he's met only once before put a smile on my face. Doing shots with 18-year-old Elias made me laugh. **ss getting accosted by several males throughout the night made me chuckle. Singing on the bus on the way home was like Frosh Week all over again - except we all had our voices this time. Our rendition of some Backstreet Boys song was particularly poignent. I think we repeated one verse close to 6 times... I feel sorry for the bus driver.
Nelly graduated last night. So proud. *single tear* Seeing people (mainly teachers) I used to see every day after two years was surreal. It was as if though nothing had changed - like I was back in high school, and yet so much was different. I felt smarter, somehow, standing there. More adult. More mature. Maybe I should lay off the crack...
Other things at ESA have changed too. For example, the Valedictorian speech sucked. (Mine was much better.) And they now actually recognize and celebrate the hard work and sleepless nights that go into putting together a yearbook. In my day... we had to walk uphill both ways... And we didn't get an award for it either...
And kids are ruder (word?) somehow. And more obnoxious.
But some things stayed the same.
The talent is still inspiring. The hard work is still apparent. The dedication still resonates. It was kinda cool to know that I used to be part of something like that, and for a minute even kind of go back to that. In my head at least.
I used to think I could do anything. I remembered that last night.


Blogger Courtesy said...

Picadilly's was indeed "off the chain" as they say. I get the impression that you're a lot more decorated for your intelligence than you let on. It's apparent just from speaking to you that you're talented, but I didn't know you were an over-achiever at one point.

"Ruder" is a word.

Let that same talent inspire you to always remember that you can do anything.

Also, it has become clear from the post above mine that you need to get word verification started up.

7:55 p.m.  
Blogger unreuly said...

i think you are still capable of doing anything you want to do...don't let anything or anyone make you believe differently!!!
I miss you Dunja girl!


12:11 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupe Dunja

2:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:47 p.m.  

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