Thursday, September 22, 2005

"Do you ever get down on your knees and just thank God that you know me and have access to my dementia?"

Today, in my Critical Reasoning class, I argued with my prof. And although he "strongly disagreed" with what I was saying in the beginning, by the time I was through making my point, he was saying "Good point, good point. I'm glad you brought it up. Yes, very valid. Very good." And I said, "Thank you" and everyone laughed. Tomal says, "He was trying to shut you up by agreeing... all guys do that."

Zeebs and I got lunch and discussed the inner-workings of the male mind over Chocolate and Watermelon martinis.
It wasn't a very fascinating conversation at all.
For obvious reasons.
The chocolate martini was awesome though. I have to get a recipe for that...

*amian hit the nail on the head today in a moment of sheer (albeit accidental) brilliance when he stated, "You're going to be alone forever" in response to some non-sensical rant of mine.
Although he meant it as a joke, we both realized the significance and truthfulness of the statement quickly thereafter, and our weak (polite) laughter turned into laughter of the raucous sort, proof that the old adage "It's funny because it's true" is on the money.

And now, for your assignment:
We spent about an hour discussing old lunchtime rituals after *ren offered me his WHOOOOLE "Fruit By The Foot". (Interestingly enough, the ruler once present on the roll is gone, so that you cannot actually accurately measure out a foot of fruit for yourself. Also, I'm told that the roll, which was once 3 feet long, is now only 2.5 feet. Unfortunately, since we had no ruler (suspiciously enough), we had no way of verifying this 'fact'.) We discussed such things as the trading values of various lunch items, as well as the significance of the giving/receiving of lunch items, as well as the politics of lunch items, as well as the various ways in which various lunch items could be consumed, and our method(s) of choice.
For example, in grade four, someone giving you their WHOLE "Fruit by the Foot" would've signified that they were in love with you.
Now it just means they don't like "Fruit by the Foot" all that much, or that they are trying to shut you up.
Dunkaroos were always held in high-esteem in trading circles, whereas celery sticks - not so much.
It used to be that the not-so-cool kids would try to get in with the popular crowd (guaranteeing themselves temporary protection from bullies and fewer long lineups for various activities) by offering the cool kids bits of their lunches or their snacks. For example, giving Britney your Nutella sandwich would have guaranteed you a turn playing Four-Square during recess.
Some people preferred the icing of the oreos, sticking the two black bits together to be discarded, while others preferred the black bits. If these two people succeeded in finding each other in the lunchroom, theirs would be a symbiotic relationship that would probably endure for years. In fact, these were the "joint-at-the-hip" friends you remember from grade six.
The designs on the "Fruit-Roll-Ups" never quite looked the way they were supposed to by the time you finished extracting them from the roll-up. They'd always end up stretched and deformed, making you truly hate the kids in the commercial that seemed to do it effortlessly.
Some people were really good at making Cheese People out of their Cheesestrings. Those were also the kids good at art. They smelled like cheese as well. No one really went out of their way to hang out with them I don't think...
The "Fruit-by-the-Foot" made its appearance as a humungous tongue on multiple occasions.
And so on.
It was quite a fun trip down memory lane, I must say.
If anyone has any cafeteria anecdotes they want to add, please feel free to do so in the Comment section.
I'd love to see what we can uproot collectively.


Blogger captain obvious said...

My first bit of spam!

11:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spam ...

I'm shocked that she/he didn't end it with a tag line like


no seriously


12:28 a.m.  
Blogger G-Funk said...

You dont filcion want spa /

1:13 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe that guy was just gay and wanted to sell gay merchandise

11:28 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

You're all missing the point.
You're supposed to be writing about your cafeteria memories.

11:31 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

I hope you're drunk.
At least one of us should be drunk at all times.
Guess what? It's your turn.

6:47 p.m.  
Blogger Courtesy said...

I hit a lot of things in the your case the shoulder.

Did you ever stop and think that maybe the ruler's the provided were rigged? I also believe you will be getting a lot of fruit roll ups because I get the impression that people will often want to shut you up.

Once I hit a kid in the head with my lunch box for kicking me in the nuts.

Another time a kid brought egg salad to school the same day as the sewers randomly spewed their stench...the kid was blamed until he cried out a confession.

I'm enjoying the privilege to glimpse at your blog.

3:42 p.m.  

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