Wednesday, June 22, 2005

i hope you don't have trust issues...

Why, oh why am I such a wonderful person?
My boss roused me from my dreams of not being roused at 10AM to tell me the girl that does the morning shift is sick and can't make it in and will I please come in for the full day?
So I said yes.
Then at work, my boss said would I please bag the two jackets separately because this lady is really anal and doesn't want them bagged together? So I said yes. Then she came in and asked why we were wasting plastic and did we know about the size of the holes in the ozone layer?
Later, at the mall with my mom, I saw the girl who's shift I'd covered walking around, eating an ice cream cone. I was too embarrassed for her to say anything, so I pretended like I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when she looked at me kinda wide-eyed-deer-caught-in-headlights type thing.
Then I got home and 'finished' my essay, but really all that means is that I have six pages written now. I still have to make it make sense and sound nice and be on topic and whatnot.
The trouble is that I've never been less motivated to do anything in my life. And I know I make sweeping general statements like that all the time and they rarely reflect reality (ooh, alliteration!), but this time it's actually really accurate.
You'll have to take my word on it. I hope you don't have trust issues.


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