Sunday, December 05, 2004

Unnerving Truths

Order of business #1: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!
Next order of business: New Year's.
Alright, so I still don't have plans. And I'm starting to freak out now. Because if I end up spending ONE MORE NEW YEAR'S EVE in my basement with my sister, I WILL FREAK. I asked Paully Wally Pumpkin Face what he was doing yesterday on our little excursion to the outside world, and he said "I'll prolly hit up some clubs downtown." But when I said "Can I come with you?", he said "Oh, I just remembered! I have to wash my hair that night..."

Pauly Wally Pumpkin Face, for those that don't know him, is bald. :(

On a complete sidenote (yes, 'tis a sidenote despite the fact that it's very lengthy. I guess it's more of a tangent then. Well whatever), I found out at some point between last entry and this entry that Pauly asked our waitress at East Side Mario's for her number. And she gave it to him. No questions asked. Despite the fact that he was sitting at a table with two extremely charming and witty young ladies (for those of you that still don't know who Paul was sitting with: Zeebs and me.) Now, what I'M curious to know is how SHE knew that Pauly wasn't dating one of us. I mean, isn't it perfectly conceivable that he's a Mack who's asking her for her number despite the fact that he's out, on a date? I mean, shouldn't she at least ASK about the girls at the table? Like "Oh, what about those girls? Are you not dating them? Or one of them?"
I'm not sure why, but I guess I found the lack of assumption on her part a little unnerving and a little offensive. I mean, am I so undatable that even a complete stranger wouldn't assume that I was on a date despite the fact that we're out on a Friday night, laughing merrily at a restaurant, dinner to be followed by a movie? (Ignore the fact that Zeebs is present because she doesn't count.) I mean... come on! I can't even PRETEND to be on a date. This is ridiculous.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand: I still don't have plans for New Year's. And, like I said, if it comes down to spending it in my basement, or shooting myself in the foot: I think I'm going to be spending the night in the E.R., and all of next semester on crutches. So, if you want to save me from my doom, please, please, offer up an alternative? (Of course, only if I know you and you know where to reach me. I don't want weird Internet people trying to capitalize on this one... although... NO! I'm not that desperate. Yet.)


Blogger ZedEmPee said...

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Pauly Wally Pumpkin Face is THE Big Mac! And I ain't talking about a sandwich here.

DAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, the man's got mad macking skillz. I'm gonna enroll in his MACK101 course ASAP.

1:12 a.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

You are so strange.
And your identity still eludes me.
This calls for drastic measures.
So I shall ask you, for the final time, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?

4:11 p.m.  
Blogger Rafey said...

what do you have against bald people?

and yea i'd like to enrol in that mack course too, i think i have many unrealized potentials.

i feel like doing something different this new years instead of tagging along with my rentz to some family friends' place.

yes i'm gonna sleep through it this time. don't they have any firework displays? i remember five years ago (holy shit, five years ago) back in the year 2000 (holy shit, BACK in the year 2000) they had a white hot fireworks show in tdot...i'd be willing to do that..unless my parents have different plans :(

5:15 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

For the record: I don't have anything against bald people - I'm just saying that Pauly made up a stupid excuse that he can't chill with me because he has to wash his non-existant hair. Get it?

5:25 p.m.  
Blogger ZedEmPee said...

Q:"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"A: I am your father.

10:20 p.m.  
Blogger G-Funk said...

The truth is Dunja, my hair needs to be groomed and cared for, I'm sorry I can't hang for NYE. And don't be surprised if I'm not home that day either, I think I'm going to a hair party, it's important.

11:20 p.m.  

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