Monday, October 15, 2007

a word from our sponsor

I know complaining doesn't do anyone any good, but I just have to say:
It sucks taking the bus for an hour and a half to a place that would take you 20 minutes to get to by car. It sucks standing outside in the cold, snow, wind, waiting for your adjoining bus for 36 minutes because you just missed the last one. And it sucks watching time just disappear on your fucking adventures on Mississauga-Fucking-Transit or the God-damned TT-fucking-C.

It just fucking does.


Blogger unreuly said...

yea, it does.
i agree wholly.
it was shitty to do it last year - i became a pro with bus/train times by the end. and i always had music and a book to read because i can't fucking stand around staring at punk ass kids suck face at square one without wanting to gouge my eyes out on the nearest sharpest object available.
god, i'm bitter!

10:58 p.m.  
Blogger unreuly said...

allow me to vent here for a moment, would you dear girl?
i just came back from the student center - a place that i haven't set foot in yet this year until today when a dire need for caffeine in a sorely sleep-deprived brain propelled me to the bank machine housed in its cavernous interior.
on the way, i thought "hmm, you have a new student card...why not get your new upass from the info booth"
it was three minutes to twelve o'clock and limp dick von douche bag at the desk takes his sweet time noticing me.
after i make my request known to him he ambles on to explain that he won't know the password to the computer till 12 o'clock on the dot.
what, pray tell, is the magical "knowing" that is bestowed upon him as the hour rings through???'s same password that was on the computer yesterday and the day before and the day before that.
i wanted to climb over the desk and do some physcial damage to his face...a face that only a mother could love.
i hope he gets herpes.

12:25 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

I know...
I hate the kids at the infodesk too. Remember my rant?!

2:02 p.m.  

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