Sunday, March 12, 2006

i go about my business

We had this old, disoriented lady come into the store. She didn't know who she was or where she was or where she was going. She just knew her son was sleeping and that she didn't want to go to the hospital.
It was really sad. I felt completely helpless.
At one point, she was switching speaking with me in German and in English, but je ne sprechensie Deutsch so it was confusing. Although, now that I think on it, most of what she was saying was confusing. She had moments of lucidity where she'd say something like "I'm a lot better now then I was before. Before, I couldn't do anything." But then she'd go back to talking about her sleeping son.
I felt like someone should've been taking better care of her.

There's a really lame movie out there somewhere with only one good line. Something along the lines of all of us just wanting to have a witness to our lives, and be the witness to somebody else's.

I don't think anything could be more true.

Isn't that all there is? All we want? Just to have someone notice your life - your annoyances, your victories, your failures? Do we ever really reach out to someone for advice? Or is it usually just to let it out? To talk about it? Isn't it really just to have someone look at you for a second like they care that propels us to seek one another out in times of trouble or happiness? Isn't that all we really want? Just the knowing (even if it is a false knowing) that someone will notice us in all our mediocrity and think us special enough to keep noticing?

Maybe that's why so many people have blogs. They want to feel like someone, anyone, is witness to their lives, insignificant or jaw-droppingly boring as they might be.
I know this blog started in jest, as a way for me to prove something to someone, but it's turned into something that in some ways verifies (although not completely justifying) my continued existance on this planet.

A friend and I discussed it the other night, although I'm sure neither of us noticed the philosophical significance of the discussion at the moment: When you're thinking about your life in blog-form - what's missing? Anything? Nothing? Everything?

Maybe I really am just the loneliest girl in the world, as someone once aptly remarked.
So, I guess my question is, what's wrong with that?

Tangent: Can we please talk about how working with a hangover is not at all fun?


Blogger unreuly said...

and once again you steal the words from my lips and put them, ever so brilliantly, on paper .< or cyber paper> < notice the angle brackets!>

oh and i believe that 9000 readers is 8999 more than just me ;) so they're there, they're just not commenting!

11:48 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe that's why so many people have blogs. They want to feel like someone, anyone, is witness to their lives, ......"
Everyone has a blog. It's a public diary for everyone to feel like they may be apart of your life, or may just want to voyeur into your life for the sentence of the day.

"Maybe I really am just the loneliest girl in the world...."
In your mind, yes, you really are. You are to roam this world alone forever, like the incredible Hulk. Stole (and modified) that line from a movie.

"So, I guess my question is, what's wrong with that?"
Maybe there is, why are you asking what's wrong with it? Why do you feel that anyone else is asking you directly/indirectly? Yeah, sucks to be you, n'est pas?

Tangent: Can we please talk about how working with a hangover is not at all fun?
No, it's discussing the obvoius. It's a quick conversation. "Yes"

My German is rusty, "Es wird besser gehen"

I'd hate to see you happy, you'd never write.


3:20 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tomal that was a horrid comment! take it back or i'll be forced to beat you up!
< dunja i'm defending your honour>

PS - "apart" means 'seperate from'...'a part' on the other hand means 'a faction of'


5:46 p.m.  

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