Sunday, March 05, 2006

porkchop sandwiches!

In the last two nights, lots of knowledge I previously took for granted has been illustrated and solidified in my mind with examples, such that I am now confident it will be retained that much better.

1) Life goes on. Whether your belt falls on the floor of the washroom, a girl spills her drink on you, the coatcheck people lose your coat, or you just see something you would've liked to have avoided seeing - it always does. And you wouldn't want it any other way.
2) People find me likeable. Whether they're dancing with me, asking me how I'm feeling, buying me drinks, or sending me winks, for some reason, some people like me. They exist, and they're multiple.
3) Some of my friends are pretty shit.
4) Some of my friends are pretty awesome. (Tomal)
5) Some people will tell you what you want to hear. (Trinidad)
6) Some people will tell you what you need to hear. (Tomal)
7) Some people will hurt you.
8) Some people will help you.
9) Sometimes its hard to discern between the two categories, but telling them apart is always possible and should be attempted.
10) Life sometimes kicks you when you're down. Majorly.
And that, 11) sometimes, you just have to help yourself.

Because when you decide to help yourself, wonderful things happen. Like realizing that life does go on, that this isn't the end of anything but rather the beginning of something else altogether, and that there are, in fact, (even though you'd convinced yourself otherwise,) other fish in the sea.

Tonight, I had a chill night with some good, old friends, who have never let me down. We played cards, we sang songs, we joked around, and talked. But mostly, we were together and I was reminded that I'm not alone.
Thanks guys.


Blogger unreuly said...

some of the best times had are also some of the simplest! they don't require effort or pretense and that's what makes them beautiful!

ps - i hope i don't fall into categories number 3 or 7!

i find you likeable =)

6:46 p.m.  

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