Friday, March 24, 2006

completely lost cause

Ramiro got me that G-String.
Making slow progress with a few chords, alternating between them, and so on. Practice, practice, practice.
My wrist is killing me. I think I might not be doing something right.
Either that, or the guitar is like the violin and it's only through pain that you get beauty.
God, that was the worst line EVER to have come out of my head.
It shall stay up here, though, immortalized as an example of what to never do.

So I'm excited for the weekend. I have a lot of (school)work to do, but I have some (hopefully) bright spots to look forward to as well. If worse comes to worse, I'll take George's advice and just move up a few rows, sit next to some random guy, have a few laughs. Or I'll just start spazzing like I always do when I'm nervous anyway, and that'll be enough to throw everyone off. Psyching people out, I love.

Holy shit. What is up with my grammar today?

So my dad tells my sister to go to bed, and she goes, "Not now, dear, I'm busy."
Which I thought was pretty close to hilarious.

I just hope I don't walk into anything. Literally and figuratively.


Blogger unreuly said...

ramiro got you a g-string?
wow that's kinda personal don't you think?

8:08 p.m.  
Blogger G-Funk said...

I smell like fish, rotting.

4:16 a.m.  

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