Sunday, March 26, 2006

chalk it up as an (in)experience

You're not coming back for me, these things they will never be
I'm so used to being wrong, so put me where I belong

I'm never doing THAT again...

The movie wasn't bad. Per se. Actually, towards the end it went off on this tangent of horrible-ness that it never even bothered to try recovering from, so it's like one of those things that starts out sweet but you end up with a bad aftertaste and then think the whole thing was bad - but it wasn't. All bad.

And the company was: new.
There's no other way of putting it. And while relatively intellectually stimulating, very nice, and absolutely gentlemanly - it was just - awk-ward.

My heart was too busy being in my shoes to bother making a guest appearance, and while his heart was in the right place, his words weren't. They were swell, but they just didn't fit.

I don't know what I'm doing.
No news there.

Dodgeball tournament a week from today. Yeehaw! I've been practicing - throwing my stuffed animals around my room and so on at various targets and trying to avoid running into walls and stuff. It looks like a stuffed animal massacre happened in here, and I have bruises all over my body (because we know I'm not the best at avoiding running into things) - but it'll be well worth it when the stench of victory envelops me and I'm holding up that dodgeball trophy* for the team.

*Or certificate. Or nothing, because it is pretty low budget. Maybe I'll make my own trophy that I can hold up after we've won...

And yeah, oh shit, I have three essays due next week that I still haven't started. (Not counting the two that I still haven't done for that one class.)
Alas, my vati is making me clean my room because my mutti was impersonating a skunk (raised a giant stink about it) earlier, so it looks like I have yet another reason to put off homework.


Blogger unreuly said...

who're vati and mutti?
are they names for you stuffed toys? or yet another facet of the serbian culture that i am ignorant of?

1:20 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

Vati is German for father.
Mutti is German for mother.

Get with it, yeesh.

2:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by yeesh she means sheeesh

5:20 p.m.  

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