Friday, June 03, 2005


I lost four pounds in a little over a week.
I'm not sure how.
Maybe I have depression? Depression is characterized by a persistent, uncontrollable feeling of hopelessness, and occasionally marked by weightloss and an inability to get out of bed.
I suffer from all of the above. But I also have delusional thinking sometimes, and that's not part of the Depression diagnosis, so maybe I have some new sort of disorder they haven't classified yet in the DSM?
I'm not a hypochondriac, I know that, because I'm not afraid of minor symptoms being indicative of a serious life-threatening disease such as heart attack or cancer. Although Depression is pretty life-threatening since a whole lotta people who have it end up committing suicide (something like 15%?)
I think I should just stop reading my Abnormal textbook.

Whole grain bread is actually really quite good. I never used to like it. In fact, I hated it. I only ever ate white bread. But since my dad decided to actually take care of himself, he's been buying nothing but the whole-grain stuff. And it totally grows on you. Now I don't think I would eat white bread if I had the choice. This whole-grain stuff has more flavour, more to look forward to with each bite - for example, the grains! Mm mm. Try it.
(This could be cognitive-dissonance reduction, so don't hold me to it.)

And I have a new food addiction. It used to be the KFC Twister - not that I ate it a lot. I've only ever had two in my lifetime, but I thought about it SO MUCH. Now it's Oatmeal to Go - Banana Bread. Man. I dream about the stuff. Seriously.
I'm obsessed with food.
There's nothing under "Eating Disorders" in the DSM for people who are obsessed with food in a positive way. Only the weirdos who starve themselves or engage in binging and purging. So I guess this isn't a disorder.

Did you know that there's a disorder called Trichotillomania and it's people who can't resist plucking their hair out, usually resulting in marked hair loss? WTF?

I don't think I'd make a very good clinical psychologist. I'm not very sympathetic towards weirdos like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could lose a few more pounds

3:27 p.m.  
Blogger unreuly said...

oh my god anonymous above is HORRIBLE. thats a terrible thing to say to gorgeous lovely dunja and then not even leave a name! sheesh.

anyway dunj, i believe u are on chapter 3!!! could i be correct?!

have a great wknd and happy 20th for tuesday! \

oh and i have a favour to ask u over at my blog so please go over and comply!!!

10:45 p.m.  
Blogger G-Funk said...

My sister is a trichotillomaniac.

1:40 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

I wish I knew who Anonymous was...

Yes, Rosey, I was on Chapter Three at the time of my last posting. Currently, I'm on Chapter Seven.

And I shall be over on your blog shortly.

Pauly - I'm mad at you. And does your sister actually have tricajsklsaklassjlfklmania?

5:22 p.m.  

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