Friday, May 27, 2005

///, \\\, and some ;;; to seal the deal

So this black guy comes into the store today and says, "I need my whites really white." My boss asks, "Why?" and he goes "So I can hide like you."

Then, as I'm walking home in my miserable (after-work) state, I see my verily cute neighbour standing beside his car. He stops whatever it is that he's doing and does that amazing thing he does where he's staring at you but you feel completely at ease and not at all weirded out by it, and then he smiles in this amazing way where you feel like it'd be impossible for you not to smile back (really wide, in fact) and then he winks in this way that makes you feel like you just might be the only person in the world that matters right now, but you're also perfectly aware that there's nothing really behind it. He's just being nice. Oh, but how nice his niceness is.
He really is something else.

Then I noticed this girl hanging out by his car. I've seen her around several times before, and whenever we see each other, she's perfectly sociable and smiles in a very cute way (I think it runs between the two of them. Or maybe just being in his company makes everyone really friendly, because I find myself smiling like a crazy person whenever I see him, and no matter what my previous mood, I start feeling inexplicably happy and wanting to spread the joy, and I'm not usually like that). Anyhow, she was the same girl that was downtown with him that night we first met - and she was really friendly way back then too. So anyhow, as we're all exchanging mutual smiles, the ice cream truck pulls into our street, and me and the girl (who's name I don't know) head for it. I'm all polite and nice like, "How've you been?" and she's all like, "Oh, good choice" when I get my ice cream, and it's all very great and peachy, but I have no idea if she's his girlfriend or if she's just a friend or if she's like his cousin or what. Not that it matters. But it'd be nice to know.

And yesterday, at the gym, I saw the guy that came into my store last Saturday and me and Adrian were both like "Wow" 'cause he's such a fox. And Rosey made fun of me for calling him a fox, but that's what he is, and that's what he shall stay. And I was all sweaty and red and blotchy and avoiding eye contact. I figure if he ever comes into the store again and decides to pay with debit or something, I can bring up the gym while we're waiting for the transaction. I can be all like "Oh, I saw you working out at the gym a couple weeks back" or whatever. Or is that too stalkerish? But if I say, "Oh, do you work out?" then it seems like I'm coming onto him, and also like I'm a retard if he remembers me from the gym and is like "Duh, you saw me at the gym." What if I say, "Hey, you seem really familiar..." and then I do the whole thing where I pretend to try to remember where I remember him from? No, that's super lame too. Well, whatever. When he does come in (if he does come in) I'll probably end up acting like a total lamebrain anyway so it won't matter because any line I did have memorized I will forget and completely fuck up so I might as well just wing it. Or just stand there staring at him like I did last time. That's probably what will end up happening because I don't actually talk to guys I'm interested in. I only flirt with the ugly ones who bring in their mother's dresses for drycleaning. Agh. Idiot.

But there was this really funny thing today when Pino came in (and Adrian, my coworker has a crush on him, but I don't know why because I think he wears makeup), anyways, I went to the back to get his clothes and when I came back he was staring into the mirror and fixing his face. Then he made some sadass attempt at engaging me in conversation while we waited for the transaction, but I was kinda pissed off because he walked in right when I was in the middle of a really good chapter of my book, and he's all like, "Have a great weekend." And I'm like, "I will." And he's like, "I will." And I'm like, WTF? And he's like, "Oh, I thought you were going to tell me to have a good weekend too." And I'm like, "Oh." But inside I'm thinking, "Man dude, you're totally spazzing out." And then I'm like, "Have a good weekend too." And he's like, "Oh." And then he looked confused for a second and then he's like, "Haha. Yes. I'll try." And I'm like, "Okaaaay." And then he's walking out of the store and he's walking backwards for some odd reason and he walks into the doorframe. And there was this old couple standing right outside and the old man burst out laughing. Like, he just couldn't contain himself. And Pino turns bright red and he's all like, "It's been that kind of day all week." And then he's like, "I mean all day." And at this point me and the old lady start laughing too 'cause now he's totally embarrassed and it's hilarious that he's embarrassed over something so little, and I kinda pitied him, but not really 'cause most of the time he's pretty conceited and talks down to me so I was like "Yeah. So there, biatch. Now who's laughing." But I didn't say that.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that he's so full of himself that he walks into the store and just magically expects me to know what his name is. Even though I do know his name, because he's a regular customer, I don't think he should assume that I will remember his name considering how many people I deal with on a daily basis. I think that's kinda lame on his part. He should just tell me his name every time until one day when he comes in and I deem it appropriate to say, "You're Pino, right?" After that, he can refrain from giving me his name. But until then, he has to just assume that I'm really slow and don't know his name and give it to me every time. That's logical, no? Otherwise I reserve every right to think he's full of himself. Which I do. So I guess the system works.

The maintenance guys offered to plant petunias in our front yard because they noticed our family doesn't exactly give a crap about our garden (our backyard is overrun by weeds). I told them to go for it. They asked me if me and my sister were twins. I said that, no, we weren't, I was actually five years older then my sister, and they were like, "Oh. See you on Monday." And I was like, "Okaaay, whatever."

I think that's it.
Oh, one of the maintenance guys is cute.
And I thought I saw my ex-boyfriend today, but it was just my imagination. The guy I actually saw was admittedly cute and tall and walking towards a car very similar to that of my ex-boyfriend's, but it wasn't him. I felt like Usher. (You remind me...)
I think I'm totally over my ex though. Maybe.
Sometimes I still think about him. Is that normal?
I suppose so. I haven't seen him in over a year though...
Maybe I'm weird in the head. Probably.

Ok, that's it.


Blogger unreuly said...

i think pino has a crush-o on you...
funny story
its too hot for me to blog...
have a good one!

2:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where do u work?

11:17 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

No, the neighbour is the one I met downtown that night. The black dude. Remember?
Robbie is... well, Robbie.

3:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm gay!

5:06 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

Thanks for sharing Tomal...

6:39 p.m.  

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