Wednesday, June 01, 2005

wooga wooga

The Bet is now officially over. (I tried to include the link and failed, whatever, you all know what I'm talking about anyway...)
Both Nelly and I completely and utterly lost. Which is good because I couldn't afford to pay out $100 at this time as I owe myself $105.89 as it is.

It's lucky I don't charge myself interest...

I think Yang might be dead.
Anyone with knowledge of Yang's whereabouts (dead or alive) should yell it at me. (The knowledge.)

What else... Uh, that dude has been removed from my list of Noteworthy Blogs since he hasn't updated in a really long time. I don't even know what his name is anymore. Maybe I never knew it to begin with... Strange are the workings of time...

And... hmm... well nothing else worth noting actually happened today. Except that it is now official: I hate the morning Aerobics instructor. She's psycho.

I let it slip that Pauly is dating B* at Alex's party.
Uh... George went on a date.
Hmm... I still haven't called Zeebs back since I was supposed to yesterday...
Ggh... No sign of my G2 test in sight...
Nelly is making me my dress...
And, it's officially June. And time for me to study for my upcoming midterm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to be done

1:25 a.m.  
Blogger G-Funk said...

Yeah, that wasn't exactly the best thing to do at the party. I did want to keep it discrete at least till things got more stable. But all's well, and I will only forgive you if you get completely hammered for your birthday. If and only if.

2:10 a.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

Well, I only told one person. And it's not like I said "They're in love" I said, "They went out". And he was totally hammered anyway and probably won't remember a thing.

But I'll get utterly and completely hammered for my birthday just to make sure you forgive me. :P

11:35 a.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

At least we're failures together...
When I get old and gray and am alone and lonely... I won't really be alone... because you'll be alone too.
That's comforting. Sort of.

11:05 p.m.  

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