Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Stick A Fork In Me, I'm Done!

I just used the word 'blast' as an exclamation. Like, I didn't say "Blast off!" or "Did you hear that blast?" I said "Blast!" as in "My plan has been foiled again - BLAST!"
It's funny because the last time I heard someone use that word in that way was exactly 363 days ago -- and he was English!
Anyways, the reason I said "Blast!" (as I'm sure you're all dying to find out) is that Adam asked me how my exam went, and, upon some reflection I realized that I really should've used that week I had off to study... to um... study... instead of chatting with George and so on... and so I said "Blast!". And then giggled to myself, because who says that?
THEN I spent exactly 4 minutes (I timed myself, sorta, because this song started playing just as I started doing this and ended playing just as I finished) looking for a book through all of my drawers and in my closet and under my bed... and it was ON MY DESK the WHOLE TIME.
Hee hee.
I think this means that I'm a little preoccupied with something. Although I'm not sure what it is.
Hahaha. The other funny thing that happened today was that I was telling Nitish "This way" in a French accent... so I said "Zis-vay" And I'm guessing this means something in Korean, or it's a Korean name or something, 'cause this Korean guy turns around and he's like "Yeah?" And I'm like "What?" because I had no idea why this guy was just randomly talking to me and/or looking at me, and he gave me the most puzzled look ever, and me and Nitish just looked at each other and burst out laughing because the guy looked really funny. Like, his hair was all bushy and shaky-about and he looked SO confused. So after we laughed, the Korean guy looked crushed. Like, really devestated. Like he wanted to run to a corner and cry. And then he asked me something else, at which point Nitish and I had to run around the corner because we were laughing so hard, because he was still really confused-looking. I felt really bad about that afterwards.
And it's a really pointless story to type about because you really had to be there. But whatever. I'm not deleting all this typing now. Too much effort went into it.
This is where thinking ahead would come in useful. If I'd just thought ahead, I'd've realized that this was a stupid, pointless story, and I wouldn't have bothered to do all that work. But apparently, evolution missed me, and I'm still stuck in the "can't think ahead" stage. Is that even possible? No. I didn't think ahead. Again. Ok. I'm getting out of here before I pull something. Like a brain muscle. Man... brains don't have muscles. Dunja, you're an idiot. STOP TYPING.


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