Saturday, December 18, 2004

CAUTION: Completely Forced and Pointless Post: Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery While Reading

Yesterday was one of those nights where I felt just a bit more special than anyone should ever feel. (I won't get into specifics, but I do have to say: thank you.)

The cousins were supposed to be over today as it is my dad's birthday tomorrow, but they cancelled so dad's taking us out for supper. (East Side Mario's! I love that place... such great pasta. And maybe I'll see that stupid waitress that doesn't assume things and gets asked out by Pauly. Stupid her...) Sean invited me to his party today (out of necessity, I suspect, since Pauly had already leaked the story to me.) That's an unvite. I wouldn't go even if it wasn't an unvite though. Strangely enough (even though we haven't talked in over a year), this guy I dated once and met at Sean's party last year messaged me yesterday. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but then when I found out Sean was having a party tonight - it kinda made more sense. Sorta. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. But in any case, whether or not him messaging me yesterday is a total coincidence, I wouldn't want to take the risk of running into him there. Plus, there will be people there who enjoy harrassing me. It seems like more work than it's worth.

And on a completely unrelated note: It's really weird how when you don't like someone anymore and you look back on stuff, you're like "What the hell was I thinking?" I should remember this feeling next time I get to liking someone too much. Freezy - I'm counting on you to refer me to this post next time I get into it like an idiot again.

Don't see CLOSER. It's a pointless movie. Adam and I both endorse this view. (I figure if someone agrees with me, it makes it sound more plausible.) But definitely see The Incredibles if you haven't yet done so. It is the best movie of this year. No doubt.

And speaking of No Doubt, Gwen Stefani is totally rocking my socks with her new stuff. Her videos are totally awesome. The Alice in Wonderland one and the new Pirate one for the "Rich Girl" song. She makes me want to dance. This is good. And this is also all. I wasn't very inspired to write anything at all today, but I felt the need since everyone has been good and updating their blogs - keep up the great work!


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