Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ho Hum... Fly's Bum

I was doing pretty good with the whole "studying" thing. I'd gotten through an entire practice question and skipped the whole second one, and even wrote out "two group design" for the third one... and then Freezy called... with good intentions to ask if I still needed the formula for calculating percentile rank... And that, ladies and gents, is when the shit hit the fan. Because, of course, we started talking about my Numero Uno Snowball Blacklist person and my *new* crush (so exciting!) and what I did today. Which was basically write a test and waste the rest. And we talked a bit about her too... I guess. (Hee hee). (And to "Da Crew" - Freezy and I are NOT in a fight because she ditched me in Development. Get over it. We're drinking buddies. Our bonds go beyond some stupid Psych class.)

Ramiro, who is fast becoming my own personal therapist (he has good listening skills... maybe because I never give him a chance to talk), I believe hit the nail on the head today when he led me to conclude that I'm really afraid of getting hurt. Which may be why I can never verbalize emotions, despite the fact that I can pretty much verbalize anything else. And this is why I stand there crying when I should be "communicating effectively" - effectively being the key word. Because as great as crying is for communication, apparently it isn't enough.

Anyways, I was just thinking "ho hum" because I'm so bored with stats, and then I thought "fly's bum" because that rhymes... and then that got me thinking about whether flies actually have a bum. And if they do, do they have intestines? I mean, are their insides pretty much like ours, except way smaller? Like, do they have tiny little hearts? 'Cause that would seriously weird me out. Does anyone know the answer to my question(s)? Please, if you know what a fly looks like on the inside... enlighten me. (And if you think I'm strange for thinking about such things, you have NO idea... imagine what I'm thinking about and NOT telling you...)

Oh, and since we're (sorta) on the topic of bums, I was wearing my jeans today that make my bum look really great (well, as far as MY bum goes) and Andrew said that if this was as good as my butt gets, then "that's not saying much."
That cut me real deep. :(

But do you know what WOULDN'T cut me deep? People buying my love. Honestly, if you ever want my love, and you don't know how to earn it: buy me stuff. I don't know why J Lo downplays this so much and makes it sound even sorta... bad. Probably because she's on crack. I mean, who dumps Ben Affleck for Marc Anthony? What is she THINKING? She's not, clearly. Because anyone that tries to disprove the statement "You think the money that you make can substitute the time you take..." is CLEARLY not thinking. I mean, YOU think about it. Wouldn't you much rather have a guy buy you nice things and take you to nice places then like... talk to you into the wee hours of the morning (haha, wee!) about Halo 2?!?! Honestly. She's clearly not dealing with the people I'm dealing with. I'd much rather they shut up and buy me something. "My love don't cost a thing"?!?!?! PUH-LEASE! Let's be realistic: most people aren't that loveable.

Feel free to try to prove me wrong on that last one.

Last thought: some lady from Blood Services called and asked me if I wanted to donate again. Hee hee. I thought it'd be really funny if they made their opening line "I VANT YOUR BLOOD". Hee hee. I told her this. She giggled. Then we were discussing where the clinic was, and she was saying "Actually, I'm calling from Northern Ontario and I have no idea where any of these places are..." She was really cool. We got quite a rapport going. She learned what school I go to and asked me what I was taking Eventually, we weren't even talking about me donating blood, we were talking about like her coming down to Toronto 'cause she's never been. Anyways, when she was getting off the phone, I was like "Thanks for calling" and she was like "No, thank you. You really made my day."
It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :)

I liked today. Today was a GOOD day. :)


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