Thursday, April 14, 2005

you wanna like... buy some drugs?

Dunja says: where do you work now?
N says: I'm in Coles
Dunja says: you get discounts?
N says: I get 30% off, not too shabby
Dunja says: that is HOT
Dunja says: you should buy a billion copies of the new harry potter book and then sell it to everyone for 15% off
Dunja says: nice profit
N says: .......If only I had that kinda money to invest. Damn that's a good scheme.
N says: it would work, makes me sad I haven't saved enough, fuckin hell I know so many people who'd be down for that too. FUUUCK.
Dunja says: maybe you should get a loan from the bank
Dunja says: or get some "investors" - your friends to give you money, cut them in on the deal
Dunja says: even if you make 10%, that's still something
N says: Woman, you've wasted your life, you'd make a killing if you sold drugs


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