Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Getting Lucky

"A four day hiatus from blogging? What is going on?" you ask. Well, contrary to what your initial inkling might be - I sadly, alas, unfortunately, regrettably, lamentably, did NOT go out and get a life and forget to write about it.

I DID, however, get my stats mark back.
Ok. Remember how, in the beginning of the year, I studied and studied and studied for my stats test, stressed about it, walked in, and got a 61%? Well, if you don't, that's what happened. Then, for the second test, I got stupidly sick, had that ginormous headache, and almost passed out in the bathroom? Well, due to the fact that I missed the second test, my exam would now be worth 50% and the next test I wrote would be worth 25% - so I'd better do damned good to pull myself out of my 61% damned rut (rut consisting of one instance in this case... but go on). Well, the time to write the third test came along, and Dunja didn't read any of the chapters. Dunja was engaged in self-fulfilling prophecy, whereby she thought she would fail no matter what she did, so she didn't bother doing anything (to save her ego from a bruising) epecially since she hadn't gone to any lectures all semester and didn't even really know how much she didn't know. Dunja didn't do any of the practice questions, because there was no knowledge to practice. Dunja (barely) read the lecture notes the day of on the bus ON THE WAY TO HER TEST because, at this point, she started REALLY freaking out. Dunja wrote the test thinking "Man, if I get 40% I'll be happy." And what did Dunja get? WHAT?



This just goes to show that sometimes you just shouldn't bother. Sometimes you will just get lucky. (And other times you just won't - so use this method sparingly.)

I love getting lucky.
Which brings me to the next thing on the agenda to discuss:

The bet is as follows: using our womanly charms (i.e. anything and everything we can use - short of telling the guy about the bet and begging him to ask us out), Nelly and I have challenged one another to get 2 guys to ask us out by May 29th. The bet is that Nelly has to go out with both guys, no matter how badly she doesn't want to (because my theory is that she needs to give people a chance - plus, it'll make for good, exciting stories for her to tell me as I am LE TIRED of hearing about Mr. Seduce Me) and that I can't go out with either, no matter how badly I want to (because Nelly's theory is that I'm too indiscriminating and that I spend too much time thinking about/worrying about boys. So perhaps taking away the ability to date them will lessen my thoughts about them or something. I doubt it, but we'll try it. Therefore, it's kinda like a money-induced boy hiatus. Perhaps the extra motivation will be enough, because God knows I can't do it on my own.) May 29th, we compare notes, and one of us, or both of us, dishes out $100.
Progress of THE BET will surely be documented here. So far: uh... nothing has happened.
And a reminder: Come out to MISSION: GET CRUNK April 29th!


Blogger unreuly said...

why would u go through the trouble of having them ask you out when you're just going to turn them down?? I don't understand your part in all this dunja...i seems to me that you just wanted to get in on this lucrative financial deal and made up (thats right, MADE UP) a way to insert a clause for yourself.

oh, how the hell do u have so many people visiting your blog? you're up to like 2000 and i think we started a few weeks apart. is your blog a hooker on some kind of blog highway??? Apparently she isn't turning down any ask outs (the blog, taht is!)

7:49 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

Oh God.

The post I put the least effort into gets the most response. Figures...

Firstly: Nelly, no guys that would consider asking me out in the first place read this blog. It's all friends. And they know me well enough to not wanna ask me out. (Pauly, Yangy, Ramiro-y, uhh... what other guys read this blog? Oh, Adam-y, uh... Tomal-y, I think that's it.) So, I'm not a cheater. You're just on crack.
Secondly: Roselle - the point is that I need to practice my womanly charms - hence luring the guys in - but I also have to practice saying no - hence saying no. Nelly can atest to this. One time, this guy came over to my house and ask me if I wanted to sponsor a kitten or something. I didn't have the heart to say no, so even though I had no income, I told him to come back a little later. He came back a little later and I had somehow magically turned into a tiny asian girl. Actually, what had happened, is since I feared saying no to him SOOOO much I made Nelly go to the door instead. So she did. And when he asked for me, she told him I was dead. And when he acted confused, she told him "No. Get off the porch."
True story.
Therefore, yes, this was all a ploy to get a clause in there for myself. But it worked. SO SHHHH.
Thirdly, how I get traffic....

Well, the secret is to attach your blog address to the end of every email you send out. Also, have it in your MSN name once in a while. Also, when people ask you how your day/weekend/week was, refuse to answer and refer them to your blog instead. But the best way to increase traffic is to visit your own blog and just press "refresh" over and over. And if you don't have time to do it continuously, then, every time you log onto a school computer, make sure you visit your site. And switch school computers often. Another good way is to pretend that the blog isn't yours and recommend it to people sitting around you in the library. The best steps to follow are as follows: Read a little. Giggle slightly. Read some more, laugh. Read some more, look around embarrassed and laugh again. Read more, guffaw. Read more, laugh hysterically, and say to the person beside you "Man, this girl is hilarious." When they ask you for the link, give it to them. If they don't ask you for the link, give it to them anyway. They'll feel like they have to check it out because you're sitting right there. ESPECIALLY if you stare at their computer screen until they do so.
So good luck!

Lots of love to you both,

P.S. Rosey - I only *actually* use the first 3 forms of self-promotion. But I'm POSITIVE the others would work too.

9:57 p.m.  
Blogger G-Funk said...

Yeah, there's no way in hell I'd ask Dunja out, are you crazy?

Hmmm....regarding to the phrase, 'can't say no', can you give me $1000 so I can buy a pony? Thanks!

7:23 p.m.  
Blogger captain obvious said...

A PONY!!!!! That'd be so totally cool!


Yeah, I guess I should've mentioned that the only people I actually can't say "no" to are either guys that a) I'm interested in or b) have the potential of having me interested in them at a later date. Unfortunately for you, Pauly, you fit neither of these requirements.

9:52 p.m.  

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