Wednesday, August 30, 2006

time of your life

Today, my handsome manager called me "sweetheart".

Yesterday, my very handsome coworker told me I was beautiful.

The day before, my other very handsome coworker remarked that he couldn't stop checking me out.

Why am I not at all flattered?

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

So take the photographs and stillframes in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Dunja: annnnyyyyyway, i was all "what should i get to eat?" at work today
Dunja: and my friend was all "you dont need to eat. you look fine."
friend: wha?
friend: i clearly don't see what one thing has to do with the other
Dunja: and then he was like "did we fire the midget?" when he found this little broom in the back and my manager got so pissed off he broke the broom over his knee
Dunja: but then my friend fished it out of the garbage later and taped it back together
Dunja: that pissed my manager off big-time, and he went on this rampage about how we're all wasting time and how it's no wonder nothing ever gets done and how he's going to start sending people home
friend says: your manager sounds potentially scary
Dunja: but then, when no one was listening, he was like "dunja, you're great" and i was like "why?" and he was like "'cause you do what i ask you to do when i ask you to do it" and i was like "yeah..." and he was like "thanks, pumpkin" and i was like "okaaaay" and he was like "what's your boyfriend's nickname for you?" and i was like "i don't have a boyfriend" and he was like "i don't have a girlfriend" and i was like "okaaaay" and he was like "it's not what you think" and i was like "no, it is" and he was like "no, it's not" and i was like "how do you know what i think?" and he was like "what do you think?" and i was like "i think i'll be seeing you at the pride parade next year" and he was like "hahahahahahaha"
friend: hahaha

Friday, August 18, 2006

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Shit. Fuck.

Dear Spaz,

Two things:
1. I really really really like you, in that way you really like someone you want to date for a long time.
2. I also love you, in that way you love a friend you've known all your life; a friend who just understands you, who'll always be there for you. A friend you never want to lose.

I can't tell you about 1. because of 2. And I can't tell you about 2. because of 1.

But you're always there, even if it's just in the back of my mind.
Infiltrating thoughts. Barraging through dreams.

Shit. Shit. Fuck.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Then to now: a (not so) brief summary.

Two Thursdays ago, on my day off, I went shopping with Ashley. I bought a dress I'll never wear, charms for a bracelet that are still sitting in the bag, and made friends with a manager (who ended up giving us a discount). After a mad rush to the liquor store before it closed, we skulked to OCAD to make ourselves presentable for the charity event we'd just decided on attending - me in my flipflops and day-shopping wear. We fixed our hair and got wasted.

On our way to the event, we ran into Mike, who happens to be homeless. He was sitting on the street, as is his habit, and I stopped to ask him what his story was.
He told me.
It was of the heart-wrenching, bad "shit-out-of-luck" variety. Mike seemed like a really cool guy, so Ashley and I stayed and chatted with him a few minutes more as he entertained us with jokes and anecdotes. Some of Ashley's friends randomly happened by, and as she went through the process of reuniting with them, I continued talking to Mike. Asking him about his plans, offering advice, joking.
When it was time to go, I gave Mike my number, to call me if he ever needed anything. We hadn't given him any money, and I told him I was sorry I didn't have any cash on me. He said, "Don't worry about it. I get all I need from the drop-in shelters. I eat three times a day, and I usually have a place to sleep. What I don't get nearly often enough is anyone talking to me. That's what I really need most of the time. Just someone to chat with."
We got to the club, listened to the band, hooted, hollered, and hit the ATM (followed by the bar) a few times. When Ashley decided that scene got old (I was too out of it to notice), we headed for Tonic. I'm pretty sure that was her idea.
Tonic was sausage-fest to the max. We climbed onto the stage, shopping bags and all, and danced the night away. When we decided it was time to go home, this guy that'd been dancing with Ashley broke off from the crowd and came with us.
Outside, at the hot-dog vendor, it was decided that said guy's cousin would accompany me home on the blue-night bus since Ashley was headed clear across the city in the opposite direction.
This all sounds super sketch because I'm leaving out a whole lot of details (and because it WAS super sketch). The good news is that I'm a really lucky girl, the boy turned out to be a perfect gentleman, and by the time he'd seen me (almost) all the way home, I'd learned, along with some other stuff, that the reason he looked so familiar was because we'd been in the seventh grade together, and that I wouldn't mind seeing him again.
I grabbed HIS number, because that's the way I'm doing things now, and promised I'd call.

Friday, I saw CGE at work. I don't remember what I did the rest of that weekend, but I'm sure it was fabulous.
Monday, Talladega nights. Tuesday, hung out with Nelly at her house. Wednesday, I can't remember. Thursday, Irena's party. Friday, CGE, Ramiro's show, and Rosey's party (A BLAST! WAAAAIT!), Saturday, FINALLY hung out with Thursday Night boy (hereafter referred to as "TN"), CGE called while on date with TN, to tell me he'd just been reminded of me and missed me (aw!) - but I didn't learn that until after the TN date, because the chemistry with TN is amazing and couldn't be interrupted for a phone call.
I also learned why people sometimes take a super-long time getting around to calling someone: They've genuinely got more important things to do. He remarked he was begining to think I wouldn't call, ever, but that he was glad I did, and I think I like that.

My number shall never leave my lips again.

Saturday night turned out to be doubly shit because we couldn't get into the party we were supposed to get into AND because I knew I could've spent it with TN, buuuuut, sometimes in life, shit happens.
Today, I hung out with Marc, from THAT 80'S PARTY, and it was a little surreal because I don't really remember talking to him at the party. We got ice cream, and I think I'm in love with the Demetre's waiter, who made a little white flag out of a napkin and spoon as a gesture of surrender to the dessert I couldn't finish.
The salsa lesson today reminded me that I, like life, can be funny sometimes.
And tasting the Danforth with Rosey tonight was the best decision I've ever made.

And remember how I said I was in love with the waiter at Demetre's?
Well, even more so, today, I remembered I was in love with Spaz, as I shall hereafter refer to the friend I'm in love with, because that's exactly what he makes me do.
I couldn't shut up about him to Rosey.

He takes the cake.

I probably won't do anything about it.

P.S. The SeaDoo guy called too. While I was on my date with TN. I swear, they can smell it. Anyway, I was rude and told him I'd call him back, but didn't. I'll rectify that eventually. Maybe.

P.P.S. Mike called too. I was on my way to work, and so couldn't really meet up with him, but I told him to give me a call again sometime. I don't know why.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

it's a small, small world

Hanging out with cute boys (with Nickey and Courtney, too) is fun.

Too bad the cutest one is still madly in love with his ex-girlfriend.

Who also happens to be the girl I wanted to be in high school.

It's weird how many coincidences there have been going on in my world in the last few days.
I love meeting people, they bring coincidence with them.

My burn hurts, but I'm going to brave the beach again tomorrow. That's how dedicated I am to this job: I'd always rather be hard at work on my tan then anything else.

I'm in love with one of my better friends.
And I don't mean this in the offhand way I usually say things like this.
I mean, I actually think I'm actually in love with this man.

Well, it's something not of this world, or of this girl's mind anyway. Something brand new. Something wonderful. Something scary.

I probably won't do anything about it.


Sun beating down
Warm breeze
Water droplets glistening on tanned skin

God, I love the beach.

Coincidence after coincidence.

Ran into a boy I haven't seen since my party.

Ran into another I haven't seen since the St. Clair party thingy. Coincidentally, I hadn't seen him before the St. Clair party thingy ever either...

It's a good thing I'm so friendly and so polite. I went over to say hi, and was promptly invited (along with my girlfriends, a.k.a. little sister and friend) to join him on his speedboat. Well, what kind of a friend would I be if I turned that down?
Speeding along Lake Ontario, sunglasses on, hair blowing in the wind, laughing and giggling at the waves of water crashing onto us after every sharp turn, I kept thinking, "If I could bottle this moment..."
Later, we got to ride on SeaDoos too. Careening around, holding on tight, falling off and getting right back on, waving at the fishermen, playing with the sailboats...

Yes, I got a bit of a burn. But how worth it was it?